~The Judges Houses~

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Y/N's Pov:

I woke up to someone pouring water over me. I squeal and jump out of my bed only being in Nike Joggers and a Calvin Klein bra. I look to see who'd poured water over me and see Sam laughing her head off.

"Fuck you Lavery!" I say angrily and grab her by the waist and start tickling her.

"Y-Y/N, P-Please I-I'm sorry!" She says between her laughs. I giggle myself and stop tickling her.

"Don't fuck with me," I say and giggle.

"You know, You cant even be scary. You just have that cute little face everyone adores!" She says and pinches my cheeks.

"I'm gonna be labelled as cute for the rest of my life," I say and sigh.

"Not just cute! Also childish, Hot as fuck, And obsessed with Frozen," She says. I giggle and shake my head.

"Hot as fuck?" I question. She giggles and pokes my abs.

"Have you seen them bad boys!" She says. I giggle again.

"So flattering," I say and fan myself jokingly. Sam laughs and wraps her arm around my waist.

"C'mon, Lets go get ready for Judges houses," Sam says. When she says judges houses it makes me sick too the stomach, What if I mess up! What if I'm never going to be good enough? I wasn't good enough for my ex-boyfriend. I doubt I'm good enough to get through to the live shows!


I was wearing a  black sleevless tight high necked crop top, Black joggers and my black hurraches. My hair was in beach waves and I was wearing my black glasses as I'd forgot to put my contacts in. All the girls and I were waiting to find out who's going up to sing.

"Hey everyone, Group selfie!" I say and take a selfie of all of us. I look at it and giggle and post it onto my Insta.

Y/I/N All the girls and I waiting to find out who's up! I'm literally pooping myself right now!!! AHHH

I get a few messages saying good luck and I know you'll do great. I smile as I read through them.

Little Mix good luck @Y/I/N! We know you'll do amazing! xthegirlsx

I smile widely and start freaking out on the inside, Okay and on the outside. I am maybe or maybe not jumping up and down and squealing.

"Calm down babe," Emily laughs. I look at her and squeal.

"I cant! Look at this Emily!" I say and shove my phone infront of her face. She reads it and her eyes widen. She jumps up with me and we both jump around like idiots.

"Y/N," I turn around and see a crew member. I knew what he was going to say, I gulp and nod.

"You're on," He says. All the girls hug me and say good luck. I brace myself and walk up too Simon and the two ex spice girl members.

"Hello Y/N," Simon says and smiles.

"Hello," I say and smile widely.

"How are you?" Simon asks.

"Well I'm literally pooping myself but overall I'm fine," I say and the three giggle.

"What are you singing Y/N?" Mel B asks. I smile.

"Needed me," I say and smile. The judges nod and smile back.

"Okay Y/N, I wish you all the best of luck," Simon says. I nod and get ready to sing. The pianist started playing and I took a deep breath...

I got so lost into that song, I put all my emotions into it. As much as possible! All 3 of them were clapping.

"Well done Y/N," Simon says and smiles widely.

"I'll see you later," He says. I nod and wave and of course on the way I trip up the wire, Classic. I started laughing and so did the others.

"That's a way to say bye," I say and giggle.


Officially the most nerve racking walk I've ever done. A simple yes or no could change everything, One man holds the key to my future. It could work out or just that one word 'No' could ruin everything!

"Hello Y/N," Simon says and smiles widely.

"Hello," I say shakily, My nerves obviously getting the better of me.

"Now both girls were very impressed by you Y/N! And do you know what so was I. Honestly I've been routing for you ever since you set foot in that audition room. You have a real talent but also real soul. That's what I like about you. I also reckon everyone else likes you, So you're through!" Simon says. My eyes widen and I drop to the floor. I cry into my knees. No way! The tears streamed down my face. I got through! I got through! I look up and see Simon standing up with a smile evident on his face. I run up too him and hug him tightly.

"T-Thank you s-so much!" I say between sobs. He pats my back.

"You deserve it, You really do! I cant wait too see what you bring to the live shows!" He says...

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