Ch7 The two messages

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Knock knock
"Hi Cream."
"Hi Scarlett! Hi Terry!"
"Hi Cream!" Terry said
"C'mon come in."

"So Cream what do you know about the mission dad went on?"
"Oh about that. Shadow found a chaos emerald before the others. He was badly injured in the first message. Later on, on the monitor appeared another message from Shadow. Still badly injured."
"Was he in Eggman's base."
"Looks like so but I'm not sure." Cream said
"Cream can I check something?" Terry said. He looked at the computer and at Shadow's messages.

"The question is where is Shadow? If we find him we will find dad and Tails too." I said walking.
"This is where Shadow is hit by a metal hand." Terry stopped the message
"Is this really Eggman's base?" Cream asked

"Cream can we take the video messages with us?"
"Yes you can. I have a copy of them."
"Thank you."

"Now what?" Terry asked looking at me
"We have to find out is this really Eggman's base. We have to find someone– of course aunt (SN) and uncle Scourge!"

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