Ch19 You What?

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So as you all sat down and started to talk.
"Mom how did you got here?"
"I paid to some sicko to open up the portal so I could come and find you."
"To find me?" you just stared at her "Why? You were fine living without me weren't you?"
"I had to. I love you."
"You do?"
"Of course."
"......" you just stood silent

"Okay. How much time do we have to get them back?" you asked turning to Tails
"Until sunset."
"I'm not going anywhere without you!" your mom shouted
"You have to!" you snapped at her
"I came here for you. I paid so much just so I could come for you to take you back."
"If money is the problem I'll find a way to pay you back, don't worry."
"No it's not that!'
" I can't leave my family!'
"What family WE are your family (N)! WE! You are coming with us, that's it!"
"No I'm not! I'm old enough to decide for myself! And you are not my only family anymore!" you shouted at your mom as you stood up. "I...have a family now. I'm a young woman and you are an old grandma."
"What do you mean?"
"Scarlett! Come..." as she stood next to you completely confused you put your hands on her shoulders and looked at your mother. "Mom this is Scarlett. My daughter. Scarlett this is your grandma."
"And this there.." pointing at Sonic "is my boyfriend" (you still aren't married) your mother took a few deep breaths as she looked at you dead serious.
"Isn't there a way to to turn you back to human?"
"It's too late."
"That fat man... " your mom said through teeth "IT'S ALL HIS FAULT." she shouted now crying "I'll never have my girl back because of him..."

You all stood silent. You didn't dare to say anything.

"It's all too late now. We don't have much time anyway." you said in an emotionless way.

Jeez so yeah. Next chapter is the last one of the story so.... :)

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