Ch8 "Looks like Eggman's base"

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*Still in Scarlett's POV*

"Auntie!!!" I shouted
"Scarlett! Hi Terry!" He said smiling
"Um hey is Scourge here?"
"Yeah he us inside watching TV."
"Looks like you're back from shopping."
"Yeah what do you need him for?"
"Well we need the two of you."
"Okay come inside."

"So dad and Tails went on a mission to help Shadow. And it's been a week since they are gone. Shadow had sent two messages for help and in the first he was hit by a metal hand. Can you tell us is this really Eggman's base?" I said as Terry showed them the messages.
"Looks like Eggman's base." (SN) said
"Here." Scourge said as he gave us a microphone with a small earphone (ya know like the thing Sonic put while tryna save Cream in Sonic X. I dk where Terry will put it)
"I'll go see myself what's going on. We will keep in touch." Scourge said smiling
"What? If you are going I'm coming with you."
"No you'll stay here. You have to be safe."
"Okay." (SN) said
"Don't worry. I'll call you when I go tomorrow."
"Thank you." I said.

Sorry I'm in a "school company" and since Christmas is coming. Everyone from the company have to make Christmas decoration or cards or whatevs idc really but I have to make some decorations plus I'm in another company, selling things for charity.

Updates will be slow. Sorry

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