The school project

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The noise in the classroom was getting louder and louder

"Jeez I just went to the toilet for a minute." you whispered to yourself as u walked faster.

With entering the room you saw two girls screaming while pulling their hair. Scarlett was trying to pull them.

"Hey! Stop it!" you said as Scarlett stepped back and you pulled the girls apart.

"Nety, Mira calm down." you said as the two glared at each other. You sighed "What happened?"
"We just argued." Nety started
"For something small." Mira continued.
"But now we are fine."
"Yeah it's all good now."
"So you're telling me you argued about something small then was pulling ur hairs off and after that you are fine?"
"Yeah." both of them said
"Okay?" you said "So get back to work!"
"But miss this isn't good."
"Nah it's perfect!" you said as you looked at the big basket they ppletoha.

"Are you kidding me?" you said as you looked at them all "This is really amazing. The fact that you could do that is amazing! So don't worry all you need is some color and you are ready!"
"For real?" Mira asked
"Yep." u said and walked away

Basket. What's that basket for? For chaos. (The little thing Cream walks with dunno what's called too lazy to check) The girls found some on the street the other day. So they decided to tell their teacher.

Their teacher did what? Made that as a school project or something. Anyway what matters is that their teacher aka the (A) (type of animal u r) aka you were going to grade them with A's if they find home for the 7 chaos.

So the girls decided to make a comfy basket for the little creatures.

The boys had to make the place (smwh in front of the so called school of yours) attractive so ppl could come and maybe '''adopt''' one of the little creatures.

~next day~

"Are we going to find home for those sweet fluffy balls?" Scarlett asked
"I'm sure we will." Nety said as she looked forward like she is a hero looking at the sun at the end of the adventure and the day.

"Hey losers!" A pink haired horse girl (lol I may think of kangaroo girl next XD ) said laughing at them.
"What do you want bitch?" Nety snapped at her.
"Why don't you go to your poor shelter and hide that thing from my eyes. It's making the road to my castle look ugly." (I'm into Persona 5)

"Uuhh go blind yourself before I spray you in the eyes with 'your oh-so-expensive-perfume' " Nety growled at her.

"Huh. Red neck. Growling like sumo fighter." She said walking away

"Better a sumo fighter than a soiled snob." Nety yelled at her

Anyway at the end of the day the girls ended giving the chaos to random ppl that wanted to adopt them. And the whole class ended with A's.


I'm going to my depression now.

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