Ch14 Mom!

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"Mom!" Everyone barged  in the room.
"What are you doing here? Please get out." the doctor said.
"We have the antidote of what (N) was injected with." Scourge said
"Please listen to us." Terry said
"S-Sonic... Guys..." you said almost crying.
Sonic and Scarlett hugged her.
"I'm glad you're back." you said  breaking the hug.
"Please get out—"
"No. Tails inject me with the antidote." you said looking at Tails.

He grabbed the tube where the antidote was. Put the liquid in the syringe.
"No. Stop it—" the doctor tried to run and stop Tails but was stopped be Mephiles and Shadow. The nurses by Scourge and few others.
"Tch." you winced in pain as much as you tried not to. The guys let go of the doctor and nurses. They immediately gathered around her.
"Doctor, I'm alright." you said. The doctor checked you temperature - normal, heartbeat - normal even the color of your skin was better.
The doc sighed.
"You can take her home." he and the nurses went out the room.

Sonic helped you stand up and he and Mephiles helped you walk.

Out of the hospital (SN) came closer to you
"Hm." you looked at her
"I'm pregnant."
"Hah!" you smiled at her and hugged her.

You were still weak and Sonic picked you up walking  home along with Scarlett and Terry.
"Daddy I want you to carry me like that too." Scarlett whined
"I'll carry you, Scarlett!" Terry said picking her up.
"Uh. Hehe. Thanks Terry." Scarlett said wrapping her hands around his neck and kissing his cheek. Terry blushed looking away.

You looked at Sonic and smiled weakly he just chuckled as everyone continued home...

Hah. The story ended. As always wait for the one shots

Oh god no one's reading this...

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