Ch20 Don't forget me

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After spending an hour locked in your room you walked downstairs.
"Tails, open the portal. The sun's gonna go down soon."
"O-okay." he said as he went to his computer
"Are you sure?" Sonic asked looking at you
"Do I have another choice? My grandma loves my brother too much to let him go. But my brother won't go back without mom. I have to or they will never return. My grandma is gonna die if this happens. I have to. For their own good." you looked down sad to the bone.

Sonic could only hug you nothing other came to his mind.

"Why did you lock yourself up?"
"I was doing something."

An hour passed and the sun was setting.
"Tails are you ready?"
"Just a second!.... Aaaand done!"
He clicked a button and turned to the already opened portal.
"Right. I'm going for mom and brother."
"The thing is....they won't remember they've been there."
"I'm prepared for that." you walked away.

"Here." you gave both of them cards. And a third one. "These are for you. The third is for the others. Don't reed them now. Let's go, the portal is ready."
"I don't wanna go." your brother talked for the first time in this whole situation.
"You want to see grandma again don't you?" you asked him "You wanna play games too right?"you turned to your mom "Let's go." the followed behind you.

"Okay. I wanna say I love you. You might forget that but... I wanna say it. I want you to forgive me for everything I've done wrong. I have forgiven you, if that's what you wanna know. I want you to know that I have a good life here and I want you to live good too. I love you. I always did."
"I don't wanna go anywhere without you!" your mother cried as she started dragging you with her in the portal.
"MOM STOP!" you were terrified yet sad and angry.

No one in the room dared to move. Everyone watched as you struggled with the hold of your mother.

"Mom stop" you cried as you were trying to pull away from her "you have to understand mom. Things are different now. It won't be the same." you shouted as you pushed her off of you "I love you." you stepped back a little "Now just go!" you pushed your mother slowly but forcefully to the portal. "Please Don't Forget Me." was the last thing you said as you pushed your mother in the portal. And your brother calmly stepped in.

As soon as the portal closed you collapsed on the ground crying. Sonic ran to you and hugged you tightly. You hugged him back crying uncontrollably.

Yava Laboratory•

"Ugh."your mother said as she stood of the ground " Hey (Brother's name) you alright?"
He farted, groaned then stood up. "Mhm. I am."
"This was all bullshit. I want my money back." she whined.
"What's this?" your brother said pointing at the cards you gave them.

Your mom grabbed one on them, luckily hers and read it.

'Dear mamma,
You may not believe but this card is written by me, your daughter, you may not remember but you saw me and my new family. Don't worry I'm alright. I have a nice life. And no this isn't some sick joke. It is me, (N).

And no I'm not dead just in

That doesn't matter, all I want you to know is that I forgive you. I know you regret not being home with me and brother, but it's alright. I want you to live without me, like you live without dad. You are strong. Just continue forward.  I love you. Don't forget me. I'm still the same (N) as always.

Lots of love and kisses,
Your one and only daughter,

As your mother read the note she was all in tears.
"WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO BELIEVE ANYMORE!" she shouted as she cried more and hugged you brother.

Last chapter huh? :) Was so long I feel so bad ending it.

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