Ch12 At Egghead's base

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*3rd person POV*

"Eggman!" Scarlett said
"Huh? Who are you?"
"In Scarlett the cat. And that's my friend Terry. We have the chaos emeralds." Scarlett as she showed him the emeralds
"Huh? So you were the girl Sonic was talking about. Well come here in the centre so I could see you better." Eggman said

"Huh? I think there is enough light to see us from there. Plus I don't like centred things."
"I never said anything about centred things."
"C'mon Eggman show us where are the guys." Terry said
"Okay here you have them." Eggman clicked a button.

The boys were in a tube barely conscious
"Dad!" Scarlett screamed. Sonic opened his eyes and widened (his eye widened ya know).
"Scarlett" he screamed banging on the glass
"I'll free you. I have the chaos emeralds."
"No, Scarlett! You can't! You have to keep them safe!"

"No I had enough of it (and I have enough of writing long chapters but they have to be long) He kidnapped you Shadow and Tails. Because of him a d this stupid emeralds mom is in the hospital." Scarlett shouted.
Sonic froze "(N)..."

"Eggman I'll give you the chaos emeralds if you them and give me the antidote."
"What antidote?"
"Don't play dumb. I swear I'll kill you if you run away."
"Ha, I'm so scared I peed my pants."
"You will be believe me you don't want to see me in rage."
"Hoohaha you're so pathetic—"

"Stop playing with my nerves! Here get the chaos emeralds." Scarlett said as she threw the emeralds in the centre.

:p. Blehh

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