Ch13 Rescuring the guys

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Something like a tube appeared and closed the emeralds within it.
"Now let them free and give us the antidote." Terry said
"Hahahahahah.... Umm NO! HAAHAHAAHAHHA..." Eggman said laughing  like maniac. (You saw it coming didn't ya)

"That was your dead wish." Scarlett grumbled. Her eyes became black she turned green like toxic. The guys in the tube were staring at her and so were Eggman and Terry.
"Whoa Scarlett I've always said you were a toxic girl but I never meant it literally." Scarlett chuckled at Terry's comment and looked at Eggman.

She flew high and melted the tube.
"Grrr you little..." Egghead let the robots fighting.

The guys stood up and fought.
"Dad!" They hugged.

Amy, Rouge and Mephiles came to fight.
"Dad I'm going to get the antidote."
"What antidote?"
"Mom was injected with something. I'll be back. Don't worry." Sonic kissed Scarlett's forehead and she ran.

She ran straight ahead and jumped up and down, fought some robots.
"The antidote is missing?!?.... How is that possible?!" Eggman said
"Found you. Now give me the antidote." Scarlett said
"Even if it was here I wouldn't gave it to you." "I wouldn't ask and what do you mean by' Even if it was here'...?"
"It's  missing  your mother is going to die." He said Scarlett's eyes widened "What? Mommy..."

All the times you spent together passed through her mind.

"NO! YOU—"
" Scarlett stop! Let's go." Scourge said as he grabbed her wrist and ran.

"I've got the antidote, don't worry. I stole it."
"You're good at these things aren't ya?"
"Okay. Let's get back.

"Scarlett!" she ran and hugged him, he did the same.
"I got the antidote. Mom is going to be alright. Let's get outta here."
"Wait the emeralds..."
"Uncle Mephi made fake ones that I gave. I don't know where are the real ones." Scarlett said sweatdropping

"Yes." Scarlett picked up her phone
"Scarlett where are you?" (SN) said
"We are coming with the antidote."
"Hurry! (N) is choking and is almost white."
"We are coming."

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