Ch11 Uncle Mephi!!

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"Scarlett!" Scourge came in time.
"We came as fast as we— (N)!" (SN) ran to mom.
"Look at the message!" Terry said as Scourge came to watch it.

Rouge opened the door the doctor was there.
"Doctor our friend had a fight with Metal Sonic and he had injected her with something!" Rouge said as they hurried to mom. The doctor kneeled down and while checking her pulse asked her "Name?"
" (N) the (A)."
"What was the color of the liquid you were injected with?"
"Something like black with dark purple aura around it."
"This look like uncle Mephi...." I said remembering all the times when I saw uncle Mephi turning into a shadow disappearing into the ground or something like that.

"For how long have you been injected?"
"I think 2 hours or something?" mom said
"I'll take her to the hospital. Any of her relatives?"
"Uhm I'm her daughter." I said looking at the doctor.
"And I'm her sister." (SN) said.
"Okay one of you have to come with me."
"Okay I'll go." I and (SN) said.
"As much as I want to help Scourge told m to stay out of it. I'll go you bring back Sonic."(SN) said as she kissed my forehead and ran.
"I will." I said watching her leaving.

I called uncle Mephi
"Uncle Mephi..." he just sighed
"Come to my house immediately."
"Don't tell me what to do."
"It's an emergency please."
"I'm behind you." he said. I turned around and saw he was here. I hung up and so did he.

"What's up?"
I sighed and explained to him. Uncle Mephi looked at me.
"Eggman went too far."

"How is (N)?"
"She is in the hospital with auntie. Mom said she was injected with something that looked like you when you turned into a shadow."
"Hm... Eggman must have an antidote."

"Scarlett. I'm will give you chaos emeralds and you will take them to Eggman. I Scourge, Rouge and Amy will come too." Uncle Mephi said. "Here is the plan..."

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