Ch17 The humans

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"Eh? Um.. Hey you two!" Sonic shouted and ran to the two humans.

They just stood there looking at Sonic and Tails in fear.
"Don't worry we aren't here to hurt you, we just wanna help you." Sonic said friendly
"A serial killer would've said the same." Tails whispered

"Stay back." The older of the creatures, a woman, said as she pulled the younger one, a boy, behind her. The woman took out a knife pointing it at Sonic and Tails. Both of them had brown hair and eyes.
"We really aren't gonna hurt you. You wanna go back to your world, don't you? We know how to get you back. We will help you." Sonic said again
"Please come with us it's dangerous out there." Tails said looking at the woman, which stood silent and glared at the guys. After a minute she gave in.

"Okay we will come with you."
As they all began walking Sonic decided to introduce himself.
"My name is Sonic. Sonic the Hedgehog.... Ah! And that is my friend Tails the fox."

Another silence followed as Sonic waited for the humans to introduce themselves too. "Um... What are your names?" Sonic asked
"And why would I tell you?" the woman said cautiously.
"Um.. Matter of manners? Being polite?"
"I'm not a polite person."
"Okayyy... Um how did you got here? You are from Earth, right?"
"Yes we are. And that's none of your business."
"Is he your brother?"
"My son."
"Did you accidentally enter or...."
"None of your business."
"How did you got here?"
"I told you none of your business."
"We can't help you unless you tell us."
"A portal was opened in a laboratory."
"Did you snuck in or you paid to get in?"
"I paid."
"None of your business I told you."
"Okay we are here." Tails said as all of them walked in the house

"(N)! I'm home!"
"Welcome~" you said as you turned around. But once you saw the humans your heart stopped your (e/c) eyes widened and all you could do whisper...


The end is commmmming.
Bye bye!

Next chapter~
♦"You? My....daughter...."

•"It's me mom! It's me!"

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