Chapter 1: Hilltop High

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Monday Morning:

"beep beep beep!! wake up wake up wake up!!"-the alarm goes.

next thing I hear, knocking at my door. ugh mornings are the worst!

"wake up, angel you are going to be late for your first day of school!" I hear my big brother max calling

Today was my first day at hilltop high school. Did I also mention that it was in the middle of the semester, of my senior year!? I guess being me and all I don't really care. I have been moving around so many times I lost track. This might be like my 12th school, and my 4th high school, anyway I'm in the 12th grade. My full name is Angel Johnson Augustana, I'm 18 years old, and I was born in Canada but grew up in the States. I'm part white, African, Indian (as in India), French, and now I guess Canadian too. Weird huh, sounding like a science experiment. [Sarcasm intended] My dad is half white and Indian, my mom is half African and French. I have light brown super curly hair, (from my dad's dirty blond hair and moms black hair) hazel mostly brown eyes. Last but not least I am 5'4, quit short for my age.

morning routine, same old same old. I shower, pick out my outfit. a young & reckless top with long sleeve plaid shirt over, tight black skinny jeans, pair of black combat boots, and this golden bracelet my grandmum had gave me long before she died. for the hair I just fluff it up and stick my black Cali (California) beanie on my head. my make-up is just mascara, eyeliner, and light pink lip gloss.

7:16 am

"oh shit, I'm going to be late."

I grab my school bag rushing downstairs, grab an apple while say bye to my mum and dad. out to Max's car I go.

Max is 18, very tall compared to me, 6'0, duh, shraight dark chocolate hair and light brown eyes. He's one of those over protective brothers that get on your nerve once in a while, we have a really tight brother sister relationship you can say. He is also my conducteur french for driver.

Max has been waiting in the car for me.I don't even think he noticed me get in the car. "Look who decied it was time for school" he said, guess he did notice.


lately he has Been seeing this witch named Devina, did I just say that, I didn't mean that... oops sorry but not sorry.

she is the definition of Deva.

I really don't quite know why he is dating her. she won't shut up, every second his phone dings. I mean haven't she heard of not texting while driving, is she trying to get us killed? Max has clearly have had it up to here with her. when ever he hears that ding his face gets all irritated. it's quit really funny, well for me but torture for him.

speaking of torture, I still don't have my schedule and can't find my way to the main office. these halls are jammed.

I feel I might be walking in circles, every thing seems the same.

ugh stupid halls.

as I turn another same boring corner, I feel these huge strong hands grab my waist, and pull me toward his body, well I think it's a he. it all happened so fast. I don't have fast reflects so it took me a while to realize what was happening.

"hello love, you lost?"

the voice sounded so deep, with some sort of accent I could not reconize, but sexy

what the hell are talking about angel, this guy just tried to like kidnap you, and you think his voice sounds sexy come on.

"um hellooo, are you listening love?" the voice says once again. this time I turn around and pulled away from the boy.

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