Chapter 6: Tubucas

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*Runs behind sofa* don't kill me. long time no write... here's your update.

Song for today-->> HeartOut by The1975

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This is so oca-awkward. Looky here it's Luke-y. I was so right-kinda-not.

I really don't know, ok.

I did not know they were brothers. Of all the times Luke came over he never mentioned a brother, come think of it nothing about his family. Lucas is Max's college buddy. There on term break. That's why he was able to drop me off this morning.

Lucas is a 6'2, slim fit 19 year old male. Jet black hair and gray eyes. he has these really cute wrinkles that form when he smiles, in the corner of his eyes. He's really attractive. He's very swoon worthy.

"What are you doing here?" Chris questions with a bitter agitation in his voice.

"I would ask the same." Lucas retorts with a smirk

"I live here" Chris says as if it was the most obvious thing.

"And what about school, it's bad enough you're ditching but bringing Angelia into this"

That's what he calls me, weird huh?

"Her name is Angel, and how do you two know each other" he states matter a faculty.

"Max, you remember him don't you?" Chris nods signaling he does

"That's her brother." Lucas smirks, causing Chris to face me, with shock and nervousness written on his face. Whats the big deal? and how come everyone knows one another but me?

"What" I ask

"Is there something I'm missing? Like how does Chris know of my brother, also how all of you know each other, and I'm left on the sidelines."

None of them answered. Just stood like statues, until Chris left the room saying he was going to get drinks. Leaving Luke and I to chat.

Even through his body posher was saying he was aggravated and worried about something, he cracked a smile and asked me why I was ditching school. I looked away and acted like i didn't hear him.

"why didn't you tell me you had a brother?" I asked raising my eyes to meet his.

" brothers, and I didn't think it was something important or relevant to your interests." he states rubbing the back of his neck.

"What do you mean not important, you basically know everything about me, and I do mean every-thing."

"how would you not telling me about your brothers not be important?"

By now he was looking a bit flushed, and anxious.

"look, Angelia, just drop it. yeah?" he replies


"No, buts, ifs, and ands" he cuts me off.

He is such wanker, he really can't expects me to give up on the matter. I will find out and he does know that. I give him a really fake smile and sashay into Chris' bathroom. As I locked the bathroom door, I heard Chris come in asking where I was and Luke answering.

I really dont need to use the toliet, I just wanted to gett away from Luke he's being such an ass. Who does he think he is? he can go shag himeself for all I care. he knows things about me that only my brother knows and that to me means a lot. But he's so hard to read. One minute I may think I know him then, BAM! I don't.

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