Chapter 15: Late Night Rides

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"Hey, drew. Facing away from them but still being able to see their reflection in the mirror.

"What brings you two here?" I grinned.

"oh, Just grabbing a bite, we were just heading out," Diva replied.

"What about you? Here alone?"

"No, I'm with some friends."

"That's nice." Bianca beamed, following me out. "well it was nice bumping into... " she stopped mid-sentence quacking at my company. "Chris?" she mumbled. "Hey Chris, and friends." she reinstated louder this time. "I didn't know you guys came here for the victory meal." she seemed irritated that no one invited Her. Oh, how little Her fake smile can conceal what's truly there.

"Oh, um hey B." Chris greeted rubbing the back of his neck, not acknowledging her statement. I whispered a quick goodbye to Diva and took my seat tapping away at my phone as if I weren't there.

After a couple of minutes of Bianca pestering Chris to come to her party the following weekend and Chris repeatedly rejecting her invitation, they left. But not without a "See you Saturday." from Bianca.

Thought she'd never leave. Oh, come on Chris my ass. Her voice is so annoying, right?

"yeah." Leery chuckled.

Wait not freaking again! I need to figure out the difference of when I'm just thinking to when I'm thinking out loud.

"Aww, you're blushing." Leery cooded pinching my cheeks. I just smacked his hand away giving him my Miley face.

We just basically spent the rest of the evening making jokes, laughing and getting scolded at by Aiden, for being "loud"

"So thanks for inviting me to Denny's." I thanked, as we walked out.

"No problem." Lerry grinned laying his left arm on my shoulder lazily

"Hey do you want to go to a bonfire with us on Friday?" he asked.

"Yeah, sure what time?"

"From six to whatever time you want to leave."

"OK, cool."

"Are you coming to the movies with us?" Travis questioned sliding in next to me.

"I don't know, am I?"

"Yes, she is!" Lerry cheered "yes, you are." he whispered whilst pinching my cheeks and cooing.

"Yes, I am," I said chuckling nervously.

"You are so weird Lerry." Travis said shaking his head.

"Say what you want. I can still shoot farther and better than you."

"Oooh." everyone vocalised

"Oh no, he didn't." Aiden yelled

"I challenge you to a shoot off!" Travis declared pointing toward Lerry.

"Shut up." Chris piped, "we all know I can bend it like Beckham."

Which was greeted with a roar of laughter from the boys.


The entire car ride here was filled with the boys mocking and laughing at each other. They all seemed to be able to put their previous arguments behind them, knowing how to joke and play around. That's what I love about most guys. They know how to forgive and forget, not holding grudges.

"Hey if you guys haven't noticed some of us are still in our uniforms, we're stopping at my place to change" Chris stated, making a quick left turn and running a yellow light, turning red the moment we crossed.

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