Chapter 11: The Bad & The Better

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"Do you want coffee, anything love?" My mum asked. I just shook my head.

Since my grand-mum's twin sister, dropped the 'dead' bomb I haven't cried one bit, not once. It's not that I'm disrespectful it's just, I think it hasn't sunk in yet. it seems so unreal, as if this is all a joke or big fat lie. But only if that was so. Apparently grand-mums twin didn't even go to them first she just came straight to my school. Who does that, I mean I hardly know this woman she was never around growing up. I've only seen here in family photo's from like a long ass time ago. Grand-mum and her were pretty close, but for some reason Tammy, my grand-mum's twin, never spoke to anyone else. And when grand-mum died she disappeared completely. No trace left behind? Why would she come back when my grand-pop dies? Is she attracted to death?

Walking up the stairs to my room I bump into Max sniffing and wiping his puffy red eyes, just sitting up against his door. Right in the hall way. Noticing my presence he just looks down trying to stop the tear flow but completely failing and in doing so causing even more water works. I walk straight passed him with a straight face saying nothing at all. Why ask if he's OK when obviously he isn't. I'm sick and tired of all the water works. In fact I hate crying. When I cry I feel weak and helpless, Not to mention how people look ugly when they cry, plus the way it leaves you with puffy eyes and sometimes a runny nose. It doesn't help the situation. 

Feeling my phone vibrate, I take it out, revealing a message from Ally.

Ally.M.J: Is everything OK? Did you go home?

Not wanting to talk to anyone i turn my music up and phone off. She'll probably be pissed, but I really don't care right now. I like being alone for most of the time, humans are just annoying at times.

It's been raining for the past three hours. Rain is so soothing, it helps me so much. I still haven't weeped. And now that it's raining that's no help. I'm smiling like a goof. While listening to music. That's not weird at all.

How can you bee so calm? Your grandfather just passed and you're just acting like you've been told the happiest thing possible.

I must've dozed off because I woke up to the sound of pebbles hitting my window. I fliped over thinking it's just the rain, then I heared what sounded like a rock hit my window. Dragging my body across the floor I reach the window. At the same exact moment that I looked down another rock smashed into the womdow casing me to yelp. Ally stood there with a smug face, about to through another rock. When she saw me she started saying something, I didnt hear it at all considering the window was locked. she look like a mime. 

"Are you gunna let me up or what?" she yelled as soon as I cracked the window open. 

"You didn't ring the door." I mummbled.

 "Yeah yeah I don't do doors."she commented back.

 "You did last night." I repied. 

"Do you know how wrong that sounds?" she said sliping into my room. 

"Shut up." I chuckled throwing a pillow to her face.

She chuckled but soon fading into a straight face. Taking a sharp breath she went over to my chair rolling it next to my bed. "What's up?" She said calmly. Staring at each other for a solid two minutes, I gave in and told her everything, well more like I told her about my grandfathers death and the whole Tammy situation. "And that's basically it." I said taking a deep breath. "And please don't try to give me advice or counsaling about this whole situation." I said getting up and turning the TV on.

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