Chapter 3: Somewhere In Neverland

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Hold up before you start reading when you see (****) is coming out of angel, happy reading (:

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That was not how I would of liked to end my period, but none the less what happened, happened.

I have a feeling that today will be the start of many horrid days to come.

Second period history, passed on by quite quickly, which I very much like considering I don't give a flying goose leg about the teacher lecturing us on how people in the passed people lived without electricity and how we take things we have nowadays for granite. blah blah blah. Here's a the thing, we really don't care that were taking it for granite, it will always be around, unless we get a random, unbreakable, invisible dome over our town, then right then and there teens everywhere will panic.

Angel you are just a bowl of delusion aren't you?

I just can't wait for the day to be over, right now all I want to do is go home. these halls are stuffy, even though there's a bunch of big open windows. The halls are big, but I still feel claustrophobic. And it really doesn't help when you have a fire breathing dragon breathing down the side of your neck AKA Chris.

"hello princesses, ready for chemistry?" he coos

"I'm all ready visualizing ductape on your mouth" I mumble

"how about the chains and whips you got those too" he says with a smirk, entering the classroom taking his asigned seat, which is is in the back right corner of this spaciouse room. I go over to the teacher, I'm guessing by the typed name on the promithian board his name is, Mr.Blugan. wierd sounds like blue-again.

"um, Mr.Blugan were am I seated?" I ask in my most polite vocie.

He dosnt even look up at me when repieling "Anywhere there is a seat open, just be quick "


there are two seats open one by this brunette girl which is in the center and the seond which is next to well none other than Chris. I shuffle quikly toward the brunette, but just before I get there that blonde from the lockers takes the seat. Looks like there besties, now I have to sit next to dick wod in the back. Fran-fiddle-stikin-tastic.

On my very slow shuffle to the back I trip on a wire next to the desks and drop my books

"FAAAIILLL"!! shouts the blonde

"No one asked for your life story." I replie quietly but guessing from the oooohh's coming out of most of the students mouths they heard me. Shit not again. My head hurts, no you can't come out right now don't you dare.

*** ***

too bad sunshine i'm ready here

"Excusse you,what did you just say bitch" Blondie smeers

" You heard me" I snap getting up and facing a now red faced humaniod

"Do you think you're so cool huh, your dillusional!"

"Can you finish your life story? I would very much like to get back to this ooh soo good lesson ahead of us."


"no no no, your doIng It wrong grab your ears firmly pull; you just might be able to get your head out of your ass,cuz no one cares!" I spit back, walking and taking my seat next to Chris, whilst she follows.

" suck, uugh!!" she huffs

our eyes locked right at each other like missiles.

"and you swallow" I retort with a smirk

bam and away she goes, boy she's mad like a cow. Crap, no my head..

**** Back to regular Angel ****

Stupid me, now i'm going to get in trouble. wait were is the teacher, psh why am I caring I'm saved, this time. You guys are probabley thinking what the shmuuur just happend, well I will explain, mabey not now but later.

"was that an earthquake, or did you just rock my world?" says Christian

"You should really consider wearing a condom on your head"

"why, were did that come from?" he asked puzzeld

"because, if you're going to act like a dick minus well dress like one." I replie

"Why you gotta be soo rude.." he is seriously not singing Rude by Mag!c right now. Face plant in my hand, so off key

"don't you know i'm human toooo"

"Dude, Shut-up" is say popping the 'P'

Looking straight into my eyes he wispers"Say the magic words, princesess." *wink*

"please, and thank you?" "Nope" he replies popping the 'p' too and goes back to singing, by now eyes are turned back to us and i'm not liking it.

"Mr.Dawn, please get your feet off the table and stop all that yelping, we would all like to keep our hearing, thank you very much"

That doesn't sound like Mr.Blugan, it sounds like those male models in tv commerials, pure sexy and uugh getting girls sexually frustated....


I don't dare raise my head from my hands, for I already have a feeling this won't be pretty.

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