Chapter 4: Awkward

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Sup braaa's.... awkward? ? oootay. any who guess what ur getting ur update today yaaah! sorry didnt update early stupid internet, just got it fixed today wooh. happi dance..SOTD: Cardiac Arrest by Bad Suns

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My head is still hung low, my face covered with my hair. not wanting to meet eyes with the person standing in front of the class. The class is filled with low quiet murmurs among students. 

"Angel?" the voice questions

shit, he figured you out

I know, I know you all are like who is this guys you are talking about?? Well for starters his name is Walker, age 17, 5'9, dark brown eyes, short light brown curly hair, light caramel skin completion, these oh so sexy biceps, the most built abs ever (6 pack) oh and he has this just amazing jaw line ever.

Gag Angel 

He's a student teacher, and how can I forget.. ex-boyfriend. Wait Student teacher you ask AND ex-boyfriend, how? 

Once a upon an ooh so long time ago 3 months for say. I went to Unic High up in northern California. had an English and math class in which Walker was a student teacher, he went to the school but was working as a ST for his internship because he wanted to be a University teacher, he was a Senior , I was and still am a Junior, he was cute, I liked him, guess he liked me too so bam we were dating, one month passes, I find out he has been cheating on me for the past 2 weeks, i break up with him he feels sorry, I really don't care, I get in a fight with the girl he was cheating on me with. she moves schools, Walker try's to get me back by being all nice and shit, guess what i still really don't give a male cow's excrement. My family moved here for business reason but for me I was hoping to get away from all the drama at Unic, and get a refresh button along the way. But we don't always get what we want, considering he's here.

Just because your built like a brick shit house doesn't mean you can get whom ever you want.

"piss off" I mumble but like always everyone hears it.

"You know him?" asks a very confused Chris,  which up until know I frogot he was still sitting here.

I nodd my head. know focusing my attention back to Walker who is walking toward me whith a very confused yet curious facial expression.

fuugh my life

"Is it really you?" he asks with a smile perched on his face.

"Are you blind?" I conjure bitterly

he chucks causing a smirk to curve upon his lips.

those lips how I very much miss those pink sexy lips of his

WTF are you talking about no no you do not like him at all not a single bit.

"I see we still have that sense of sarcasm still."  he states

"what are you doing here?" I ask

"Student teacher"

"how and why?" I question still not convinced with his answer.  I mean Walker wouldn't be the stalker kind would.

Hehe that rhymes Stalker, Walker.

Shut up you retard.

He just stands there like a statue and with a smirk reply's "that's a story for another time" turning on his heels and walking toward the front class, rendering me speechless. Going on to tell the class that the teacher was called into an emergency conference with the principle... or should I say director. Also stating that this will be a free period,no work,lesson plan, or assignments for today.

He did not just pretend that what happened, didn't happen, because I'm pretty sure what just happened, did happened. ugh. That bastard! Running my fingers through my hair, really contemplating weather to walk out of this classroom right now.

 fudge this i'm outy.

I rise from my seat grabbing my school bag, slinging it over my right shoulder and walking out the room, doing a good job of getting out not noticed. well except for Chris who eyed me closely while I left. response to that leading him into following me out, five steps behind.

just ignore him

"I see were ditching class" he states whilst jogging a bit to reach up to me. I don't want to talk to anyone. why can't dickhead understand that.

"hey, princess?" he says tugging at my sleave

"what do you want?" I ask stopping in my tracks to face him. But due to me being short and he being tall, my face collides into his hard chest. Catching me by uder surprise he places his left hand over the back of my head. Allowing my face to be smother by his chest. If anyone were to pass these halls right now they would think were in some wierd hug position.

I can hear his heart beat, slow and steady. so calm and relaxing, causing me to relax into his body frame. hearing his breath hitch from my sudden action. He's wear Old Spice, and might I say it smells amazing.

"Angel, wha what are you doing" Chris issues in a low barely hush voice.

I can stay like this all day

Wait, what am I doing? I just now understand what he means. I'm practicly groping him. I mean my arms are cuffing his waist and I have my whole body pressed against his. what!

Stepping back from him I see the shock, confusion and pleasure in his eyes. if that's even possible. hanging my head low because of my uder embarrassment and flushed cheeks. I apologize. To him and myself. what did I just do. now he's gunna think I'm a wierdo.

not that I care

But really, I just did that my life is over. he will definitely black mail me.


"again, sorry didn't mean to do that."


Same facial expression. Same crystal blue eyes blankly staring down at me. This is awwwekward! ! So I did what I feelt was appropriate. I walked away. Heading toward the open door.


Hey guys I'm so sorry really. I meant to update earlier but dumb wifi. tell me how u feel about the book please. leave in comments, share, and like this book please. This is short sorry. not yet edited or triple checked so sorry for the mistakes and for CH.3 of this book I accidentlty deleted the title and the last upate written by me at the end I will get that fixed soo. thx guys . love u muaah

                       Sincerely, all_gone

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