Chapter 12: Nostalgic soccer players

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SOTD: UmaThurman by FallOutBoy

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"Everything alright?" I hear Chris ask from behind my locker. Adjusting my locker to an angle I respond with a dump fold face.

"What are you talking about? " I ask, trying to hold and stall for the conversation coming up.

"For starters you've missed a whole week of school, without saying anything." he states raising an eyebrow.

About that, my parents insisted on I take a break and cool down before returning to school. Not that I needed it. The house was filled with mopping personals, lifeless bodies stumbling around with tissue boxes and puffy red noses and eyes. Which doesn't help, at all. I sound so heartless I know. But I guess I grief in a different way. Like I said, I haven't wept. And I to be honest don't want to. Tammy is staying in our guest room for a couple weeks. Apparently grandpa left us a will, and the lawyer will be coming by in two days. Other than that I don't know why she just can't go back to her house. I don't get good vibes from her what so ever. She's family but things don't add up.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know we were friends for me to tell you what goes on in my life. " I replied shutting my locker to face him.

"ouch that hurt." Chris said placing his hand over his heart over exaggerating the situation.

"ha-ha very funny, I need to get to class." I say swiftly maneuvering around him. Our trip to class was a quick and easy one. He didn't pick on the subject any further.

Ally didn't come to school today, she went on a holiday trip with her parents. The only time she had to spend with them before they went back to work. They vacation five to six times out of the year, traveling or cruising depending on the weather and how long their brakes are, this time it'll be for a week and a half in the Bahamas. Leaving me stranded on the island of loneliness, again.

"Yo, Chris!" a boy in a black and white baseball-T yelled from across the room. Walking towards our table dragging a seat along with him.

"hey, Travis." Chris replied in a monotone voice.

Finally reaching the destination Travis sets his seat in front of the table. With a quick glance he winks at me a smirk plastered on his face. My body starting to heat up my face turns crimson red causing me to look away.


He's not bad looking. Who am I kidding he's gorgeous! With his light grey eyes and shoulder length jet black hair. Can I get a Fuck yeah? Don't forget about the lashes he has the most beautiful darkest eyelashes known to man. He's so hot it burns, literally. My face is on fire.


Who the heck is calling my name. Can't they see I'm in the middle of planning my future with James Dean.

"Angel." Chris repeats poking my shoulder.

"what? " I question turning to face him with a grin still splattered over my face, but changing immediately as I faced Christian, I don't know why but I just felt my stomach drop. Deep.

"Are you coming or not?" he asked flipping through his phone with an annoyed facial expression. What is he talking about? I wasn't listening. Obviously.

"to what?" I ask, not fully caring about what he's going to say, but more so on how to keep cool and collected under Travis' gaze currently burning the side of my face. Wouldn't be surprised if I'm left with a not so mysterious mark.

"To our soccer game later." he responds setting his phone aside to face me.

"yeah sure." is all I reply with. Meanwhile my thoughts are raging.



AM I FUCKING DREAMING OR WHAT!? I love life right now...


"Cool." Travis states nodding his head and flashing a smile.

"How long is the match."

"From..." Chris starts

"It's from two thirty to four thirty." Travis say cutting him off.

He's still showing his pearly whites, Chris on the other hand is a different story. Travis may not notice it. But Chris looks he's about to choke someone, he's practically clawing his seat. Knuckles pale, chest heaving, jaw clenched, and cold straight stare. If the dictionary needs a picture for the definition of caveman, here you go.

"So, Angel how did you guys meet?" Travis asked leaning his head on his hands. His gaze still piercing. How do I explain how we meet? You know I first meet him when he tried to kidnap me, the usual pick up. That just sounds like I had Stockholm Syndrome. Or. We meet in class when he almost made me crack my skull open on the floor. No biggie.

"haha, well... We meet in the hallways on my first day when I was going to the office, then again in home room." I replied with weird chuckles in the middle. Not the complete truth but it's not a lie either.

Chris just gave me a smirk filled grin. Shaking his head but not saying anything on my quick rendition of the story.

"Cool." Travis replied pulling his seat away from our table "well the bells about to ring so better get back to my table."

Chris and I just give him a friendly nod. Why didn't he ask Chris about that, then again Chris doesn't seem fond of Travis.

"Class dismissed." the teacher states as the entire class flees out. Leaving Chris and I the last to exit.

"So you wanna get something to eat?" Chris asks stuffing his hands in his back pockets shrugging. He's being so nice but why, not to mention we only have one last period left. Wait, why am I caring? Missing class won't be so bad if it's in the name of food. I want to go to that one retro Jack in the box from before. But he better not take me to his house again.

"Are you buying?" I ask, a smirk arising. I'll loosen up my uptight self and let him pay this time around.

I'm so nice.

"yeah, sure."

"ok, let's go." I state pulling him towards the doors.

As we approached the door I felt a warm hand grab my right side waist, turning me around, trapping me in a tight nostalgic hug. Okay this is so awkward. I'm not going to lie and say I don't like it. Heck. This feels amazing he's so warm and smells amazing. As I started to get familiarized with the sudden attack he pulled away.

"Fuck." he silently shouts stepping back and running a hand through his floppy bed head. Face red as a tomato. He looks so guilty and being honest right now I want to just kiss him.

I'm not supposed to be feeling this towards him but I can't help it at the moment. Not to do something I'll regret later on I start walking out the school. "are you coming or not dickhead, I'm hungry. " I shout over my shoulder. Trying to change the subject rolling around in our minds. Seems to work, judging by the sudden head nod as he came forward. That doesn't exempt what just happened.

And to be honest I'm not going to be cliche and say I don't understand what I'm feeling for him, because obviously I have a crush on him. Bound to happen. Right? He's attractive. A complete spaz, but hey can't undo my feelings no matter how hard I try, and trust me I'm trying.

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Sorry for the late update. This is a really short chapter for the long wait and I'm very sorry. I've been writing and rewriting this chapter so many times I have different versions lying around. Haha I'm done. So sorry. Please feel free to tell me how you feel about this chapter even the book so far. (: But OMG I'm almost to 1KREADS... WHAT!! THANK YOU SOOO MUCH I LOVE YOU GUYS. Much love

                                Sincerely, all_gone

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