65 - "Let me trash your love"

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The restaurant, as you've seen, was about to close and still, Patrick is nowhere around. After all, he was the one who planned this date.

You were just waiting for your take out as the late night news started rolling on the resto's TV screen.

The news recapped todays events--the Trump and Clinton issues, some out of this world inventions and a coverage from an after party.

As the setting changed to the after party, suddenly, a picture of you and Patrick kissing under the snow was shown and the paparazzi was after your boyfriend as he tries to escape the venue.

That's where you've been. You thought.

As a reporter reached him, Marcus would just try to pry them away. Patrick snapped out of his temper and faced one, telling Marcus that it is alright.

"A viral photo of you was circulating online. Who is this girl? Is she your new love after all that happened?"

Patrick looked uneasy to answer the question. "Look, whoever this girl was, I don't know her at all. It's just a scene on the music video we're going to drop soon." He went to the car and Marcus shut the door.

I don't know her at all. His voice resonated in your mind.

Once your take-out came, you immediately left. It made you a little bit numb.

You and Patrick are dating for three months and you loved him the most. But from what he said in an interview, you question yourself if you still love him--after what he has said.

The moment you arrived home, you have no text or calls from him. You heaved a sigh and went inside, placing your take out in the fridge.

After locking the front door, you went upstairs and locked yourself in your room, enjoying the presence of your own.

...let me, let me trash your love. The song played in your head.

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