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Louisa, the new intern marched out of your boss' office, with teary-eyes. Every office worker in your floor had the same face and, also thoughts maybe.

Poor Louisa. She received the wrath of Patrick Stump. She may have done a wrong formatting, a wrong grammar, incoherent thoughts or even wrong punctuations. Your boss is really conscious with those stuff and whenever someone fails to achieve everything, the manuscripts fly around his office like paper planes.

Even you, there are times that he had almost thrown the revised manuscript you worked on for a week.

Unlike his colleagues--Pete, Joe and Andy--they're all considerate. Like everyone always hoped that the three would request for revisions and the like.

And as on cue, everyone returned to their works as your boss went out of his office, has a slight tint of red and together with his briefcase.

Before he sashayed to the elevators, he stopped on his tracks and shook his head.

"Remind that intern about the formatting I required for every manuscript!"

Once the elevator arrived, he immediately walked in, not minding the passengers alighting from the lift.

The silence could kill everyone the moment the boss disappeared from the sight. Sighs and relief phrases are heard across the room.

On the other hand, you looked on the poor intern. She has her arms folded on the desk and seemed sobbing. Leaping from your seat, your heels thudded as it hits the tiled floor.

"Hey," you murmured, offering your handkerchief to her. "It's alright. We all went to that phase before we got hired."

Louisa took your handkerchief and dragged it across her face. "It seemed like he's drinking or have some sort of problems."

"We all wish he's like his friends." You whispered. "Do you mind if I treat you for lunch?"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. You know, food makes me feel better, so I hope it does to you too." You said with an assuring smile that she would feel better.

Once the coast's clear, you lead her to the elevator.


"Was he like that all the time?" Louisa asked after chewing and swallowing her food.

"Never saw him smile...except in photos, of course." You replied sternly. "He's lucky he have patient friends." You held up your hand, feeling your phone vibrate in your purse.

"This is L/N speaking."

"Hi Y/N, just wanted to invite you tonight...you know, girls' night out."

"I totally wouldn't pass this time, Mitch." You murmured and heard her saying your word in the back ground.

"I'll pick you up tonight!" Mitch said giddily. "Y/N, I tried to invite Jared, but he said he'll pass."

"You told me this is girls' night out."

"Just tellin'...I'll pick you up at 9 p.m, straight from your office."

"Thanks. I hope you wouldn't mind my haggard face."

"I look forward to it." Mitch chuckled and then, ended the call.

"A friendly advice, value your high school gals no matter what the damn situation is."

A smile plastered on Louisa's face. "I think Mr. Stump is just in a really bad mood today."

"He's always in a bad mood. There's nothing new and get used to it." You shrugged.


Back at work, you taught Louisa some formatting she might have probably forgotten and the printing layout your boss always wanted.

As you returned on your spot, you continued your work. Then, Andy--one of your boss--suddenly popped up.

"Patrick has been out of himself lately." He murmured. "I heard he scolded an intern."

"I reminded her of the formatting Mr. Stump usually requires, Sir."

"Andy," he calls. "You know, we're all workers here and that sir and maam placement is bullshit."

"Just wanna do that for respect--"

"Pete, let go!" The entire chatting background was cut off as Pete dragged Patrick back.

"Apologize to Louisa! Stop being so bitchy!" Pete scolded, pulling Patrick in the intern's cubicle. He sent his best friend glares and later on, sighs.

"Sorry." He said, not even meaning it. He passed through Pete and Louisa and I exchange sign languages of relax and keep calm.

Patrick Stump ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now