Chapter 2

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Paige's POV

I wake up the next day late as it was Sunday. I freshen up and go down for my breakfast. I was hungry. I see my mom had made my favourite pancakes with the maple syrup. I smile at her and say "Thank you mom". She smiles back at me. "Where is dad?" I ask her.

"Your dad has gone to the market" she says. I couldn't see my sister too.

"Is Elizabeth gone too?" I ask.

"Yeah" she responds. Since I was bored I decide to have my breakfast and watch TV. I go to the living room and start watching TV, that is when my dad and sister come back home. I leave my food and run to my dad because I knew he would have got something for me. And as I expected he had got my favourite nutella and some junk food. I hug him for it and snatch it from him.

I get a spoon from kitchen and start eating my nutella. My dad just stares at me because I had left my food half eaten. He sits next to me and says "Paige finish your breakfast and then have it". I ignore him and continue eating my nutella. He snatches it from me and starts feeding me the food. I was shocked at the beginning and then had it without uttering and word because my dad always hated it when I wasted the food. It had been so many years since my dad had fed me. I was happy inside. Once he had done feeding me he says " Don't leave your food again", handing me back my nutella he walks away. I just thought okay dad!! and continue watching TV.

The day goes by as a normal Sunday and me lazing around. I was too damn sleepy in the evening so I head to my room but my dad pulls me to play badminton. He pulls my sister too. We all play for a while. We have a lot of fun and I laugh until my stomach starts hurting. After a while I couldn't take it anymore. I was tired so I told my dad and sister to stop playing. They agreed too and we all went in. But as soon as we enter inside the house my dad remembered something that had to be done so he just left the house in a hurry. He wanted to walk today.

As we wait for my dad to return home. My mom in the kitchen preparing dinner, me and my sister watching TV. The phone rings interrupting us from whatever we were doing. I choose to ignore it as my sister was nearer to the phone. My mom says "someone pick the phone".

I just look at the phone and say "Elizabeth pick the phone it's nearer to you!". She just rolls her eyes and walks towards the phone. I ignore her continue watching TV.

I hear her saying "No it's a wrong number!" And just as she was about to disconnect the call she says "What?" A bit too louder. I look at her wondering what the hell was wrong with her. Again she says "Yeah Mr.Robert Williams is my dad" but her voice is a bit worried. I get up from the sofa wondering what is wrong and why were they asking for my dad. "Where?" She asks. I just stand there and wonder what where? Why is she asking where? What the hell is going on? "Okay we'll be there in a while" she says and disconnects the call. My mom comes out of the kitchen and is looking at her too. She looks at us with tears in her eyes and says "Dad has met with an accident!". I just stand there stunned and so does my mom. No words come out of my mouth. It must be some kind of a joke.

My thoughts are interrupted by my mom asking "Where did it happen? Is he okay? What did they say?". I had the same questions wondering around in my head but didn't have the courage to speak because I couldn't believe it, at least my mom could!

My sister explained "In the next road and only his leg is hurt". I take a deep breath that he was okay. I don't hear another word she has to say and rush out of the house to my dad. I run run and run until I had no air left in my lungs. Once I reach the place I see people surrounding him. I push through the people and go to him. He was sitting down and few people were holding him. He sees me and there is a relaxation on his face once he sees me. The people around say they've called for an ambulance. I go sit next to him and say "Dad it's okay. You're okay. We'll go the hospital and you'll be fine." He just nods his head as he was too tired to speak. I chose to keep quite and not to annoy him anymore.

Within few minutes the ambulance is there and they help him into the ambulance. By that time my sister and mom had also come to the spot. We get into the ambulance one after the other. But my mom stops me and my sister and she says "You both go back home. There is no one home, you can come visit him later and make sure everything is locked correctly". We both nod as she was tensed and we stay back as the ambulance moves away from us.

We head back home but none of us can stay at home without thinking of dad. So we decided to take a cab to the hospital. Once we reach the hospital we ask for the floor where my dad was and we hurried there. As soon as the hallway of the floor was visible I see my mom sitting on the floor and weeping. I run to her and ask "Mom what's wrong? Why are you crying? Don't worry he'll be fine. It's just his leg". But my mom continues crying. I console her. My sister does the same too.

My mom then speaks saying "No he isn't fine and it's not just his leg!" I was shocked and looked at her in disbelief. She continues "they took a x-ray of him and his hip bones are completely shattered and he's internally bleeding too. The doctor thinks he may not live" and she starts crying again. I was just left speechless. I had no word to speak or to console her anymore. I just collapse next to her on the floor.

After a while I made up the courage and looked through the glass of the ICU door. I see my dad struggling to breath. I couldn't see it anymore. I just collapsed and started crying. The doctors are saying his blood pressure is too low and I've no idea what to do. We all sit on the chairs in front of the ICU as we fall asleep. But a loud beeping noise and people rushing around wakes me up from my sleep. I see my mom and sister crying in front of the door. I rush towards the door and see the doctors trying all the things to bring back the heartbeat of my dad which he had lost. I just stand there because I couldn't move anymore. After all the attempts they couldn't save him and they declared the time of his death right in front of my eyes. I thought it was just a dream which I would wake up from. But no it wasn't! I had lost my dad! He was not with me anymore! The person whom I loved more than anything in this whole goddamn world! He was no more! He was just a memory! Although it was an unbelievable truth I had to accept it.

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