Chapter 9

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Daniel's POV

The next three days went on normally. We were hanging out for lunch together. We chose to go to the restaurant downstairs rather than the cafeteria.

I would be waiting for the lunch everyday so that I would get to see her. The smile on her face when she would see me was priceless. I would do anything to make her smile. She laughed at most of my jokes too. It was shocking that she did though because as far as I knew she never laughed.

Did she like me too? Or she was just having a good time? I wanted to know what she thought but I didn't wanna risk it either. I had a fear that I would lose her if I pushed it too much. I just wanted her to be happy.

But day after day my feelings for her were growing. I had to do something to know what she thought about me. Her flawless body was inviting me all the time. I had a feeling that she was restraining herself around me.

It was Friday and I badly wanted to speak to her about this. It has been a week since we started hanging out. I decided to go to her chamber after the working hours and sort it out.

I make up my mind and enter her department. The whole office was empty. I find her chamber and it was closed. I thought she had left too. I tested my luck and knocked on the door. I had this weird feeling in my stomach. Why was I acting like a sixteen year old kid? She always did that to me! She gave me a weird feeling. I hear her voice saying "come in" on the other end. I get some courage and open the door.

I see her sitting there looking beautiful as always but she was shocked to see me there. She wasn't expecting me. "Hey! You weren't expecting me?" I smile and ask.

"Yeah! I thought it was Sofie. Please be seated. What's wrong?" She asks me. I sit on the chair and look at her.

"Oh Sofie's chamber is empty. I wanted to speak to you so I came in. I hope it's fine." I say.

"She might have left soon to Nate's place then. Yeah it's fine tell me!" She smiles.

"I had this thought going on around my head since a week. I wanted to tell it to you" I say.

Her eyes go wide and she swallows looking down. Then she looks up and says "tell me what's wrong Daniel".

"I've had feelings for you since the day I saw you in the cafeteria" I confess. She's completely shocked and her mouth is slightly open in shock. "I didn't wanna tell you about this but then I couldn't stay without confessing either. I really like you Paige! I want us to be more than just friends" I say. I don't know where the hell did I get all the courage to speak so much! She was sitting there motionless. "I thought you felt the same way about me. I wanted to know whether you did feel something at all. Do you Paige?" I ask her. She's still not moving or uttering any word.

Just as I was about to say something she takes her handbag and starts to walk towards the door. I react suddenly and hold her wrists. She's facing away from me and towards the door. "Daniel let go of my hand" she says. That is when I was sure she liked me too but didn't wanna accept it.

"No!" I say sternly. "I won't let go until you answer my question" I say. She starts twitching her hand out of my hold but I hold it more tighter. Just as she was about to pull her hand away I pull her towards me. She crashes into me and we were face to face looking at each other.

She looked scared and at the same time there was a twinkle in her eyes. I was holding her waist so that she wouldn't escape from my hold. I never wanted this to end. She fit perfectly into me. Her small figure felt perfect against mine. She was taller and her forehead reached to my chin.

"Let go of me Daniel" she says finally finding some voice. Now I knew completely that she was attracted to me. I don't make any move. I wanted to kiss her so bad but I didn't wanna risk it. I just look at her eyes and I was lost in it.

"I want you to answer my question Paige! Do you have feelings for me?" I ask

She looks down and says "I don't know" in a low voice.

"Look at my eyes and speak Paige!" I tell her.

She slowly looks up into my eye and say "I don't know!"

Without my knowledge my grip on her waist loosens. I was lost in her eyes which was conveying too many emotions to me. She managed to escape from my hold and run away from there. I did not go behind her. I wanted her to take some time alone and think about it. I just wanted an answer.

Paige's POV

I thought he would kiss me but he did not! He was just looking into my eyes and he was lost in it. He wasn't forcing me or anything. His hold wasn't hard enough either. I feel his hold slipping away slowly. I take that opportunity to slip from his hold and run away from there until I reach my car. If I was there with him looking into his eyes for one more minute I would have said YES!

I drive home soon and once I reach home I drink some water and settle down on the couch trying to recall what just happened. He liked me? He wanted more than just being friends? He had feelings for me? I could not digest it. The first guy for whom I ever had feelings for had feelings for me too? It was too much to handle! I wanted a shower to think straight.

I undress and get into the shower. I'm sitting here in the shower thinking about the way his strong body felt against mine. His strong hold on my waist. I wanted him to kiss me so badly but he did not! He might have thought I wouldn't want it but trust me I wanted it. Then I realise I was wasting the water and get out of the shower wearing my bathing suit.

I make myself a cup of coffee and hop on the stool at the kitchen counter. My thoughts are interrupted by the phone. I thought it was Daniel but when I saw it was Sofie. I sigh in relief and receive the call. "Hey baby! What you doing?" She asks me. She sounded happy. Obviously it was weekend and she would be with Nate.

"I was having my coffee. Why did you call me now? Aren't you with Nate?" I ask her.

"I'm at his place Paige. We were throwing a party tomorrow so I called to invite you" she says.

Party? At Nate's place? I had been there many times before but now I didn't think I was in a condition to go. My brain couldn't process what just happened in my office!

"Hello? Paige? You there?" She asks me.

"Yeah, yeah! I'm here Sof. Listen I don't think I can make it. Please don't feel bad. I'm sorry. Tell Nate not to feel bad either" I say honestly feeling sorry.

"Listen Missy I don't want your sorry! You'll be here tomorrow at 6 no matter what and it's end of the conversation!" She snaps at me.

I didn't wanna disappoint her and Nate. They were always sweet to me. It was just a party. It was not a big deal. "Fine I'll be there Sof" I say smiling.

"That's great! I'll see you tomorrow then. Bye!" She disconnects the call.

I always spent my weekends at home or at the super market shopping for the house supplies. I deserved this party to enjoy myself. If I would stay at home I would be thinking about Daniel. So it was better to go out.

I prepare salad for my dinner. Salad was my all time favourite. Light and healthy. I had my dinner and went to sleep. I lie on my bed and I'm again thinking about this sexy devil.

I didn't want him to let me go. I had become a bad girl! I was thinking bad stuff only since I met him! I wanted him to take it to the next level and do stuffs to me right there in my cabin.

I take a pillow and stuff it on my face to control my thoughts and drift to sleep.

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