Chapter 7

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Paige's POV

I reach my chamber and shut the door way too loudly. I sit on my chair and put my head in my hands. No please no! Not again. I've had enough in my life. I loved my dad and I lost him. I trusted Patrick as my best friend after my dad but I lost him too. I don't have the strength to lose anymore.

I was so lost in my thoughts I don't even hear the sound of the door opening. Someone started stroking my hairs. I lift my head up to see it was Sofie. Her face is concerned for me. "What happened Paige?" She asks me. I don't answer her question I just put my head back down. "Are you okay? Why did you shut the door so loudly?"

"It's nothing Sofie I'm fine! You don't start worrying now!" I say. She folds her hand and gives me a suspicious look. "It's nothing serious! It's just one of my mood swings again" I say. She wasn't satisfied with my answer.

"No! This isn't one of your mood swings. I haven't seen you so upset. Now will you tell me what's going on or not?" She asks a bit louder. Oh damn! she's angry.

"Okay okay I'll say! Don't bite me!" I say. She smiles and goes to sit in a chair opposite to me. "When you weren't there with me yesterday I was sitting alone in the cafeteria and having my food. After a while this hot guy comes and asks me if he could sit there." Her eyes go wide in surprise but I just gesture her to stop assuming stuffs by showing my hands. She continues listening "His name was Daniel Morris. He introduced himself and wanted to know my name! But I just walked away from there..."

"Are you serious Paige? Why did you walk away? You say he was hot and he spoke to you himself! What on earth was wrong with you?" She interrupts me.

"Sofie listen to me completely please" I plead her. She sees that I was really worried and she chose to listen to me. I continued "today I thought you would be there with me but you had to go out with Nate. I didn't wanna face him again. So I chose to go to the restaurant downstairs. But guess what? He showed up there also with his sexy smile. I couldn't believe he was there. He sat with me and had lunch again. I was okay until he insisted on paying bill. Why should a stranger pay my bill? He's no one to me."

"Paige it was just few dollars. What big difference does it make? Why are you so upset for that?" She asks me.

"I'm afraid I'm falling for him Sofie" I say in a defeated tone.

"What?" She asks me. I look at her and she's completely shocked. I can understand the reason behind it. I mean me falling for someone was unbelievable. I was too focused always but this guy brought the other side out of me.

"Yeah I know it's new for me. I couldn't stop thinking about him the whole night. My best friend was there and we were watching movie but still I was thinking about him. Today in the morning I wanted to look good for him. I'm never this girl" I say. She's just looking at me stunned. "Somewhere in the corner of my heart I was happy to see him in the restaurant but I don't wanna see him too!"

"What? Paige why? I guess you really like this guy. I've never seen you like this. I'm really happy that you finally fell for someone" she's smiling.

"Sofie I already lost two people whom I loved and cared for. Both left me without even thinking how I would feel! I'm hurt twice already and I can't take it anymore" I'm crying without even my knowledge. Sofie is next to me holding me and stroking my arms.

"Paige look at me" she says. I look at her and wipe my face. "Why do you think everyone is gonna leave you babe? He might be a really genuine guy! Give him a chance. Come on! Don't ruin this. If he makes you happy then you should start spending time with him. You deserve go be happy Paige!" She says.

"I don't deserve to be hurt either Sofie" I say and continue sobbing. We were interrupted by a knock on the door. We both lift our heads to see it was Daniel. He's looking at my crying face and he's speechless. I quickly wipe my tears away and put my head down. Thank God Sofie was next to me.

He clears his throat "Umm... Paige I was wondering if we could speak after the working hours at the park if you don't mind?" He asks me. I look at him and then look at Sofie. She's happy. Why was she happy?

"Yeah she'll be there Daniel don't worry" says Sofie. I look at her completely shocked. She just puts her hands on my shoulders and signals me not to speak. I put my head down again. I'm gonna kill her once he leaves.

"Great! I'll see you there then?" He asks me with his eyes searching for an answer on my face. He was concerned about me. But why? Sofie presses her hands onto my shoulder signaling me to answer.

"Yeah you'll" I say. He's smiling again. His sexy smile. He walks out of my cabin. I look at Sofie with a question look. "Why the hell did you say I would go Sofie?" I ask her and get up from my chair and go to stand next to the window looking outside.

She comes to stand next to me "Paige I know Daniel. He's a good guy. He's not like this Patrick guy who hurt you. Daniel is Nate's college buddy. I've met him once. Nate is always on call with him most of the times. They hang out a lot. You know how Nate is right? Now you can guess how Daniel is! Give that guy one chance. And moreover you didn't even have feelings for this Patrick guy. But you do have it for Daniel. Think about it" she says and walks out.

I just stand there wondering that is reason I didn't wanna get closer to him. I had feelings for him. I close my eyes and rest my head on the glass of the window.

Daniel's POV

I get back to my chamber and the only thing that was in my head was Paige. Why was she crying? Did I do something to offend her? Why was she so upset with me paying the bill? Someone might have hurt her. I could clearly see that in her eyes.

I couldn't see her upset and crying. I wanted to go and hold her. I would've if Sofie wasn't there. I was just glad that someone was there with her. Or else I would've never left her side when she was upset.

I sit in my chair and close my eyes. Her teary eyes comes into picture. I wanted to wipe them away so badly. I'm angry on that person who hurt her. If it was for me I would have punched that person in the face. Girl like Paige deserved to be happy and smiling! Not crying.

"I'll make sure you never cry again Paige and it's my promise" I mutter to myself. I don't think she would let me in so soon. I should meet her more often to gain her trust.

The only person who could help me with it was Nate. I call him up and he picks the call. "Hey bro! What's up?" He asks.

"Nate I wanted a favour from you if you don't mind" I say

"Come on bro you're my best friend. Tell me what it is and consider it done" he says. I smile hearing that he would help me.

"I want you to throw a party this weekend at your house. Invite your girlfriend and her friend Paige" I say.

He remains quite for a while on the other end of the line and then decides to speak up. "Paige? Why Paige? Daniel what's going on? Please don't play with her buddy. Sofie tells me she really has a bad past and she's hurt a lot. She's a good friend of mine. I can't see her hurt too"

I laugh "Nate Paige is not like all the other girls I've met. She's different bro. I might have grown feelings for her. I really want to get to know her but she never opens up to me. She barely speaks. We met twice and both the times she did not even look at my face properly. It's not like other girls with her Nate trust me! I genuinely like her. If I would get more chances to meet her apart from the office hours I would be glad. I would be very thankful to you. I know she won't come with me if I ask her out. She's very secured. Trust me Nate please!" I beg him

"Okay! I'm just doing it because you're my best friend Daniel. If you hurt her in any way then I would forget that you are my best friend and I would beat you to death!" He says in a loud voice. Wow! He's being too protective for her. He's ready to kill his own best friend for her? That shows how Paige is. She's such a sweet innocent girl. Anyone would stand in her support. I want to be that person too.

"Cool bro! Nothing like that is gonna happen. Just let me know the time later. Bye bro" I say and hang up the call.

How long are you gonna run away from me Paige? I won't let you run away. I'll always keep you by my side. I look at my watch and it was almost after office hours. I shut down my laptop and rush downstairs to see her. I was so crazy about her that I was dying inside to have one look at her face.

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