Chapter XI: You Have to Try

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POV: Seth

I was leaving the hospital and going to Avalie's tonight. Yeah I know, hate me. Sure Daniel might be lonely, but it is torture to sit quietly while he pouts all day. The sooner I'm out, the better.

It's 4:30, Avalie and Char should be here any minute now. The wait was absolutely killing me, but at the same time I was nervous. Avalie started dating that Zach guy, is it wrong to think sexy thoughts about a taken woman?

-Yeah man it is! Especially when that 'woman' is your best friend!-

I'm getting the idea that it's pretty wrong.


Shut up!-

And now I've been reduced to arguing with myself. Wow, Daniel REALLY needs to start talking again.

-Well maybe if you hadn't paralyzed him you douche!-

Shit, the voice was right. I sighed feeling pretty horrible, when the room door opened.

Avalie ran in the door, followed by Char, her eyes bright. "Hey guys!!!!!" She enveloped me in a hug. Man she smelled good.

-No. Stop. Taken woman. Best friend.-

Right. "Hey you two!" I smiled at them. You wanna know something, Char was really cute. Blonde hair to her waist, good figure.

-I know what you're thinking, Seth you totally just moved on! You douche! That's not it, I swear! Actually I'm trying to distract myself from Avalie. It's not working very well-

Avalie was hugging Daniel now, and Char was seated awkwardly by me. Avalie stroked Daniel's hair, "You ready to start physical therapy?"

"Not really," he tried to clear his throat. This was the first time Daniel had talked in a while. "I don't think it will help, I mean I still can't feel my legs."

"We have to try." She looks so determined.

For the first time, Daniel smiles. "Ok."

The nurses come in and help Daniel into a chair. When I stand up, my rib aches, but I am not going to complain. I'm wearing a T-shirt and basketball shorts because I refuse to wear those embarrassing hospital gowns. No thank you.

We start sitting on the floor. Daniel is instructed to move his legs with his hands, try and get used to it. He seems hesitant at first but grips his right leg with both hands. He proceeds to bend it and straighten it.

I don't know what I was expecting, his leg to be stuck, an explosion, some miracle. Nope just him trying to move his leg, it was working slightly.

Daniel sighed and put his leg down, "It's harder than it looks. If one of you were to try, you would just use your leg muscles without even knowing it. I can't, it's so damn frustrating."

Char surprises everyone by laying a hand on his back, "I know, but you can't give up. How else do you expect to get better?"

Daniel nods and tries again.


I was gathering my stuff, ready to leave this place. I walked slowly towards Daniel.

He looked up, "Hey man."

"Hey, sorry that I'm leaving you here."

"It's not a big deal, hopefully I can go home next week. Until then, there should be some girls visiting here."

"I smiled with relief, he was still the same Daniel. "See ya man."

He nodded, and I headed out the door after Avalie and Char.

POV: Char

So I guess Avalie, Seth and I were having a sleepover! Not weird at all! Okay so it seemed a little weird, but I guess it was something Seth and Avalie just did.

I was driving with Avalie next to me.

Seth tapped on her from the back seat, "Hey Av?"


"Do you think we could sleep at my house instead? I feel like I should go home, you know for my mom and stuff."

She shrugged, "Yeah I don't care. We'll stop by my house first though, ok?"

"Sure," Seth turned to me. "That ok with you?"

"S-sure," I stuttered.

-Wow real smooth Char-

I couldn't help it though, Seth was REALLY cute. He had dark shaggy hair, and a sweet smile. His legs were super toned, and I was willing to bet his stomach was too. Maybe I could really move on from Zach if I started dating someone.

Don't get me wrong, I loved Avalie, but seeing her with Zach was hard. It was like a painful reminder of what I was missing. I wish I could tel him...

-No, what are you thinking?! You can't tell him you can't tell anyone!

You're right.

Of course I am, so just stop thinking about it!-

The damn arguments I have in my head! I sighed as we pulled up to Avalie's house.

When we walked inside, both her parents hugged her. "Hi mom, hi dad," she said as she struggled for breath. "This is Char dad, and you guys obviously know Seth.

Avalie's father shook my hand, her curls obviously came from him.

Her mothers wavy hair almost reached her waist. She squeezed Seth in a tight hug that couldn't be good for his rib, "I'm so glad your okay."

Seth grimaced, hiding his pain. "Me too."

Avalie turned towards her mother, "We're going to sleepover at Seth's instead since his mom probably wants him home. But we'll come back tomorrow."

"Okay, but you better be back," she smiled. "Avalie, you're dad and I have something to tell you."

Avalie looked suspicious, "Okaaaaay..."

"I'm pregnant!" her mother blurted out.

Holy shit, she just dropped a bomb.


Omg Avalie's mom is gonna have another kid! Um...weird! Hehe I'm full of surprises! Who's better for Seth, Char or Avalie? Did you like Char's POV? I did!


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