Chapter XIX: More Than One

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POV: Avalie

My eyes were full of tears, I couldn't believe this. My daddy. A cheater.

-Just like you.

Shut UP Kevin! This is DIFFERENT!-

It's true, it was different. This was adultery, he cheated on his wife. I kissed another boy.

My father entered the room, taking in my tear stained face. I couldn't look at the horrible liar.

"What's the matter sweetie?" He asked gently.


As his brain processed what I said, a look of horror came onto his face, "How did you-"

"Roxy called!" I spat her name out, my voice dripping with venom. Just her slutty whore-ific name made me want to throw up.

"Honey," he tried.

"Save it!" I screamed between sobs.

Before I could realize what I was doing, I slapped him right across the face. My daddy. I hit my dad.

-He's not daddy anymore-

The realization made me cry harder, my daddy Todd Wright, was now just my father.

My dad held his face, knowing he deserved the slap.

"Mom!" I screamed my voice cracking.

My father looked terrified, but knew not to stop me.

When my mother stepped into the room, she took in the whole scene. My father's red cheek and anxious expression. My horrified, sobbing, face. She inhaled, "What is it?"

"Mom, he-"

"I cheated Lisa, multiple times," My father said, beating me to the punch.

"What-how?!" She stutters. I can see the tears forming in he eyes.

"My business trips," he says with shame. He stared at the floor.


"I'm sorry, I-"

"WHAT? YOU'RE SORRY? A WHOLE HELL OF A LOT THAT MEANS!" She screeched and crossed the room towards him.


She hit him much harder than I had dared to. He gasped an grabbed his face.

-Like mother, like daughter-

"Mom, his little whore called him! I answered it!" I wailed.

"GO TO YOUR ROOM, AVALIE!" She yelled, "This is between your father and I!"

I was taken aback by her anger towards me, but I just nodded and ran back to my room.

I collapsed in a heap of sobs on my bed. Seth and Daniel leaped up next to me.

"What happened Av?" Daniel asked gently, "We heard yelling."

"I'll tell you what happened, MY FATHER IS A FUCKING CHEATER! MOST OF THE DAMN 'BUSINESS TRIPS' HE WAS ON, WAS REALLY A HOTEL ROOM WITH THIS SLUT ROXY!" My voice broke when I said her despicable name.

Beside me Seth froze. "My dad works for the same company, he went on all those same trips! So there work trips are really-"

"SEX VACATIONS!" I interrupted him angrily, I bet the whole company is in on it!"

"It can't be," Seth murmured, grabbing around for his phone. "I'm calling him."

Seth inhaled sharply when his dad picked up, "Dad?"


"I'm going to ask you something, and you have to swear to answer honestly."

"Um...okay I swear?" He sounded confused.

"Every time you go on a business trip, are you really cheating on mom?"

"Seth how did you-"

"So it is true? YOU FUCKING BASTARD!" All of Seth's fury, was released on his father.

"Seth yes, but-"

"HOW THE HELL COULD YOU DO THIS TO HER? ALL SHE EVER DID WAS LOVE YOU! YOU MAKE ME SICK!" Seth hung up with finality. It was his turn to cry.

I stroked his head, as he cried. That lasted about five minutes before he leapt up, "I need to talk to my mom."

I hugged him tightly, "Give her my love."

He nodded and headed out.

"I should get going," Daniel muttered uncomfortably, starting to stand up.

"Stay," I whispered. "Please."

He sat back down and hugged me.

When the screams ceased, my mom came to my room, "Avalie can we talk?"

Daniel got up to leave, waving slightly. His walker rattled a little as he walked. I watched him blankly as he proceeded out of my room. when he got to the stairs, he sat down and began to scoot, pushing the walker. I knew I should go and help him, but I was too caught up in all this. Daniel would understand.

My mom sat next to me, sighing deeply.

I hugged her, "Where is he."

"I kicked him out. Oh Avalie," her voice broke and she began to bawl, loud and nerve-wracking.

I tried my best to comfort her. The most horrible thing about this was, I couldn't say I hadn't been warned.

POV: Seth

I could feel the absolute hatred pumping through my blood as I drove home. I knew I was speeding, it was hard not to. I tried to slow down, I couldn't go dying yet, not when my mom was going to need me most.

I pulled into the driveway an jumped out of my truck. I charged through the door.

When my mother saw me, she gave me a questioning look, "What's wrong Seth."

"Mom, I have to tell you this. I'm so sorry, but dad has been cheating on you. His business trips, weren't really business trips."

Her whole face seemed to break, so this is what it looked like when your heart shattered. I hated him for doing this to her. For making her think she was loved. I gathered my mom in a hug as she cried.

It was so strange how the roles had been instantly reversed. I remember being little, how my mom would hug me to make everything better. Now I had to take on that responsibility, and I didn't think I could do it. It didn't matter though, I had to protect her now. That was my job.

That's the thing about trust, it takes lifetimes to build and moments to destroy. We had loved him, only to have all that come crashing down in a matter of seconds. It broke my heart as I explained it to my mother. She just looked so broken, I was afraid that she would never be whole again.


How can they be such pigs! The poor wives! And what about Seth and Avalie? They just found out their fathers are sleaze bags! The truth hurts! But what did Avalie mean when she said she had been warned? Hmmm...Will I ever tell?! Anyway school is starting back up tomorrow, and I don't what it to! I loved how these two cold days got added on to the end of our winter break! I don't know if I'll be updating as much, since I'll be busy with school again. I'll try my best! Tell me what you think! Happy reading!


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