Chapter VIII: Will You?

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POV: Avalie

When I woke up to blaring sound of my alarm, I tried so hard to ignore. Finally it bothered me so much, that I had to get up and smack it. I was utterly exhausted, I just wanted to lay on my bed and die. Since we had spent the whole weekend in Preston, Char and I had stayed up till 11:30 trying to finish our homework.

"Urrrgggghhhh!" Char growled, "Schooooooool!" She yawned loudly. "Well one thing's for certain, you friend Seth sure likes you.

I turned and gave her an incredulous look. Was she crazy in the mornings? She sure looked like it, her hair was in a messy ponytail with pieces everywhere, and she hadn't removed her make up from yesterday. "What the hell are you TALKING about?"

"Oh don't play dumb with me! You're lying if you say you haven't noticed the way he looks at you." She pulled her arms behind her back and stretched.

"Seth and I are friends, just that. Always have been, still are, always will be. Besides, I like Zach remember?"

Char rolled her eyes, "Maybe that's how you feel, but not that boy. He looks at you like you're God himself. Zach is barely crushing on you, compared to how he feels."

Now it was my turn to roll my eyes. "Whatever Char, you don't know Seth like I do." It was true, no one knew Seth the way I did. We told each other everything, didn't fight (except for this summer of course) he was special. I always knew I could trust him, that he wouldn't turn around and backstab me the way Cara had.

Char just sighed and stood up, stumbling over our messy floor to pick out an outfit.

Today was going to be grueling, and wearing clothes just did not sound appealing. That was a perk of living at school though. On Mondays and Fridays especially, people didn't try very hard on their appearance. Meaning, that I could wear yoga pants and a form-fitting short-sleeved shirt, and it was totally acceptable. I wrapped my fuzzy blue scarf around my neck, knowing I would feel cozy all day. Even thought it was barely September.

My eyes were screaming for no makeup, but I knew that could be scary! It was amazing the difference eyeshadow and mascara could make. Still, it didn't sound very fun...I compromised. Just mascara, hair in a messy bun with a fat blue headband. I left the bathroom to put on my rubber flip flops. Summer wasn't quite over yet!

Char was in leggings and a purple tank top with one inch straps. Spaghetti straps weren't allowed to be worn. I hated how she managed to look way cuter than me when we were both in lazy outfits. Her hair was in a loose side pony, straight and sleek. And it was natural! I sighed and yanked the door open, feeling the opposite of cute and fabulous.


I waved to Zach as he walked into second period English. His hair was shiny and golden. My squirrels nearly died when he smiled and slid into the seat next to me. He smelled so good, his cologne was heavenly. "Hey Zach!"

"Hey, how was your weekend? I didn't see you around here?"

"Well my best friend Seth and his friend got into a car crash. So Char and I spent the weekend in Preston with them."

"Damn, are they ok?" His brow was furrowed with concern.

"Seth is, just some broken bones. Daniel, his friend, might me paralyzed permanently." The idea still scared me, making me want to cry.

"That's terrible, what is he going to do?"

"Well we're going to go up every weekend to help with his physical therapy and recovery. Till then, all we can do is pray." I looked up at Zach sadly.

He took my hand it his strong one, holding it delicately. "I hope he gets better, I have a feeling he will."

I leaned against him, "I hope so. If he doesn't I don't know what I'll do. Maybe you could come up with us when we go to help him!"

"I'd love that," Zach said giving me a tight squeeze. "Avalie there's been something I've been meaning to ask you. We haven't known each other for very long, but I care about you, a lot. I want you to be my girlfriend."

I couldn't believe this was happening! I know it might not seem like a huge deal, but I had never thought that someone as amazing and cute as Zach would want to date ME! It was something I had only dared to dream about. "Of course Zach!" I smiled and gave him a quick peck on the cheek, not caring who was watching. He grinned with that magical smile that made my heart drop to my feet.

This was real, Zach Maestings was really my boyfriend!


So they are officially dating, AWWWWW! But how is Seth going to feel when he finds out? More to come!


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