Chapter XXII: Time Will Heal

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POV: Avalie

I had felt much better after facetiming Char. I decided that it wasn't worth it to feel hurt over someone who obviously didn't care very much for me. So It didn't matter, I didn't care. Okay, that was a complete lie. It hurt like hell, but I knew I had to try and push past it. With that resolve, I got off my ass to cook a late lunch for my mother and I. Velveeta macaroni and cheese. Very gourmet!

My mother had spent the whole day on the couch after kicking my father out. Her eyes looked pained and exhausted. They were staring straight at the TV, but seemed to see nothing.

"Mom, I'm making lunch."

She barely nodded, keeping her glazed over eyes glued to the screen. "Okay I'm not eating though."

The anger inside me surged up, shocking me. I wanted to scream at her!

-You can't do this to me! You don't think I'm hurt too? I need you! You can't abandon me like this! You're my mom you're supposed to be there, just like dad wasn't.-

I couldn't say any of these things, they would make it worse. Instead, I hugged her, "Mom. Help me make lunch. Please."

She just looked at me so I took her arm and dragged her off the couch. She slowly shuffled towards the kitchen with me. She filled the pot with water as I instructed. I knew I couldn't let her do this, not even for a day. It was just going to escalate from here. I had to help her so things didn't get too bad.

At one point, my parents had spent a lot of time fighting. My father yelled, left the house for periods of time. It took a big affect on my mom. They had to go to marriage counseling, and my mother got a personal therapist, Dr. Mestin. The first time she had done wonders for my mom. "Mom," I said tentatively, "I think we should get in contact with Dr. Mestin again."

"But-" Her eyes were wide.

"I think it would help."

She nodded and kept her eyes down.

I could hear my phone vibrating on the kitchen table. I quickly answered. It was Char, "Char?"

"Hey Av. I'm over at Seth's, you should come."

I wasn't sure, I mean my mom needed me, "Well..."

"Just think about it okay? We have something to tell you!" She hung up without a 'goodbye'.

I looked at my mom as she stirred the macaroni.

-You can't leave her!

I know but,

So take her!-

Kevin was right! It might help her to talk to Mindy. They were good friends, ad Mindy felt her pain. "Mom, after this we're going to Seth's. The same thing happened to Mindy."

"Okay," she whispered, "I would like that."

I nodded, getting out bowls to serve the macaroni in. I hated seeing my mom like this. She was like a little child that needed me to take care of her. The tables had turned, and I hated it.


When I walked into Seth's house, Seth and Char instantly grabbed me into a hug. I fought the urge to start crying and laughed, a little fake sounding one. I saw Mindy pull my mom aside and hug her.

After my friends late me go, I walked over to Mindy. I hugged her, "I need you to help her," I whispered.

"I will," she murmured back.

We broke apart, "You going to be okay?"

"Sure, we all will. Eventually." She smiled sadly.

I let Seth tug me up the stairs to his room, "Guess what Av?"

"Getting over this pretty fast aren't you?"

"Hell no, I'm pissed at him. I try not to think about it."

I hugged him from the side, "So what did you two want to tell me?"

Char blushed, "We started dating!"

I was happy for them, I guess. It seemed a little rushed to me. But they were my friends so I put on my best happy face, "Yay!"

They both beamed at me.

I felt something in my stomach, making my smile forced and my thoughts resentful. What was my problem?

-Try jealousy.-

Shit I was jealous! Char and Seth were a happy couple, and I had no one!

-Because you messed everything up.-

This weekend was awful. I hurt my boyfriend, my dad cheated, I revealed it to my mom. Let's just say the odds had not been in my favor.

Seth popped a movie in, Scream 2. I had probably seen it ten times, and it wasn't even that good. That boy and his movies!

I didn't pay much attention the whole time, just looked at random stuff on my phone. Seeing Char and Seth snuggled together made me long for Zach, for someone! That wasn't fair, I had probably him through hell.

It was weird how much you can't understand about a person by looking at them. I mean who would guess that Seth's life and mine, were sort of falling apart. That one little tear, and suddenly every stitch unravels.

It takes seconds too, I mean look at Daniel. He was a star sports player, and now he needs a walker to walk. He doesn't know if he'll be able to get back to where he was.

Or Char, I mean the girl got raped! I still couldn't believe that. seemed so calm, like nothing troubled her. That was all a facade she used to keep that horrible secret.

I swear, we were going to get that jackass back if it killed us!

-More like gets you expelled.-

It was worth it, my plan would work, it had too. Still, we wouldn't know until the Halloween party this Friday.

I was pretty damn excited.


It looks like everyone will do okay, but remember, only time can tell! So Char obviously said yes. Yay! And Avalie's mom had a therapist?? Looks like everyone's having it rough. Updating more often again! At least I hope so! What are you thinking of my story? Please comment! I love comments!!! xoxo


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