Chapter XIV: She's Falling For Him

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POV: Avalie

When i woke up that morning, I knew something was up. Char and Seth couldn't look each other without smiling-or blushing in Char's case. What had happened after I had fallen asleep last night?

-Maybe they had sex!

Ew! Kevin!

Um actually you thought it not me.


I'm just your mind talking to you.


Wow, I hate Kevin. Besides, they didn't have sex, I was sure of that.

-Oooooh! Maybe they like each other!

That would be sooo cute!-

I smiled thinking of Seth and Char as a couple.

Neither of them were saying anything, so I broke the silence, "Well I'm hungry! What's for breakfast Seth?"

He shrugged, "Let's go see."

As we made our way down the stairs, Char pulled down her tank top self-consciously.

-What is up with her?-

I waved at Mindy, "Hey what's for breakfast."

She smiled and pretended to sigh, "Pancakes, what else?"

I bounced on my toes a little, Mindy's pancakes were the best! "Yay Mindy!"

We sat down in the dining room, I was in between Char and Seth.

Seth looked over me, "Char, I need to get your number. In case you guys come back and stuff."

"Okay," she smiled and rattled it off.

I eyed them both, "I see you two got close."

Seth just laughed, "Yeah I guess so Av. What are we planning on doing today."

I stared at my hands, "Oh, well Char and I are going back today."

He looked surprised, "What? Why?!"

"Seth calm down! We have tons of homework, and we left right after school yesterday. We need a relaxing day!"

He looked at me sadly, "Awww!"

Char turned to me, "Maybe he could come with us, spend the night?"

Seth grabbed my arm and started shaking it, "Yeah, let's do that! Please, please, please, pleeeeeaaaase?"

"Okay!" I said giving in, "But we're going to have to keep him a secret from Vicky."

Char nodded.

Seth looked confused, "Who's Vicky?"

"The head of our dorm. She has a strict no boys policy for the girls in our dorm. We would die if she knew Seth was going to sleepover."

Char giggled, "We could just tell her Seth's gay, then she probably wouldn't have a problem with it."

"Um no thanks," Seth said shaking his head empathetically.

"Doesn't matter," I said. "We'll just keep it a secret."

Seth squeezed me tightly, his strong build almost crushing my small frame. "Yes! Yay thank you Avalie!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, you have bigger problems."

"Like what?" He questioned.

"Convincing your mom dear," I said tapping him on the nose.

Seth pouted and Char laughed, "Mom," he called.

Mindy walked into the room, "Everyone enjoying the pancakes?"

"Delicious!" Char and I said together.

She smiled at us, then turned to Seth, "What is it?"

"Can I drive up to their school with them and spend the night there?"

Mindy sighed and ran her fingers through the roots of her hair, "Seth I don't think I'm comfortable with you driving already."

"Pleeeeaaaase? You know I'll be careful!"

I wanted to laugh at Seth, sitting there whining like a little boy. Mindy definitely had a soft spot for her son.

"Okay, okay. But you have to be EXTREMELY CAREFUL!"

"I will mom, promise!" He jumped up and headed upstairs, probably to pack.

Mindy turned to us and shook her head, "That boy. I worry about him."

I laughed, "Don't worry Mindy, we'll take care of him."

"Now you, I trust."


Since Seth had to take his truck so he could drive back tomorrow, I had time to talk to Char about last night.

"Alright missy," I said as she buckled her seatbelt, "What the hell happened after I fell asleep?"

Char cheeks turned pink, "We just talked, and ate Oreos. Avalie I think I'm falling for him!"

"Damn girl! That was fast! But Seth is a great guy."

She smiled, "I know, and he is so cute! Don't you think so?"

"I guess, I never really thought of him like that." It was true, Seth had always been there for me. He was my best friend, nothing more. I guess technically he was my first kiss, but that was just for practice.

Char broke me out of my thoughts, "I don't see how you couldn't. That boy used to be head over heels for you."

-Seth used to like me?

It seems so.

How, when? That's so weird. I never knew he felt that way-

Why did I care though? It's not like it mattered, he didn't like me anymore. Besides I was dating Zach. "I never knew that Char, when did he like me?"

"Oh, um it was like sixth or seventh grade, something like that."

"Okay so awhile ago. Well I definitely think you should go for Seth, he's an amazing best friend. That means he'll probably make an awesome boyfriend. I'd love to see him with someone worthwhile, like you. The last girl he dated, I couldn't stand. She was the reason we didn't speak all summer. It was a terrible summer."

Char looked puzzled, "What was wrong with the girl?"

I couldn't help but growl a little as I said her name, "Cara, we used to be best friends. Then she turned into this huge bitch. She became a total whore, all the guys wanted to bang her. Se started dating Seth, I caught them making out. I was so mad at him. I know he should be able to date who he wants, but I couldn't stand the thought of her slutty self all over him. She had been so terrible to me. But they broke up, and we made up. Happy Ending."

-Not exactly.

Kevin, I don't want to think about it-

Char just nodded, cranked up the radio, and continued to drive.


What does Avalie not want to think about? Plus Char lied about when Seth liked Avalie, the real answer is since forever! Haha! I'm so sorry that I took so long to update! I haven't been in the mood! Please comment though, I love comments! I'll try to update more often, every other day? We'll see! Love you all!


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