The offer

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I couldn't stop smiling, I couldn't tug my mouth back into a frown. I had kissed her! She wasn't as enthusiastic as me, but it ended well as she came running out the shop after me. Whether that was because I didn't pay for the sweets, or because she wanted more, but whatever I had her. Now to step two.

Offer a deal.


I walked home slowly to think over the events of the past hour I had just experienced. The kiss was good, really good. I was angry though, he had used me, made me kiss him, and fall for him. I huffed as I turned onto my road.

I was angry with him, but couldn't help the feeling he gave me. I was fighting my heart and head. The right thing to do and the wrong thing to do.

I got my keys out but my feet rooted when I saw........a black.....familiar......expensive..... Porsche parked outside my house. Inside were two men chatting until they saw me.

Blue eyes shone and sparkled when they saw me, the other man pushed him out the car and shooed him, closing the door and waiting for whatever this guy was planning.

But I stormed down the steps and stopped sharply in front of him. "How dare you!!! Treat me like that, I'm humiliated!" I yelled shoving his chest. "You arrogant guy, your one of those rich asses that think they can have what ever they want when ever they want it!! Well I have some news for you, that's not going to happen this time!!" I explained through gritted teeth.

"I don't know what your talking about." He said oblivious and un phased by my attack of words.

"Oh please....what are you doing here?!" I exclaimed. "How did you know I lived here, what is this? A game between you and your driver? Well you have lost, unless you explain. NOW!" I pressed him to explain.

"I want to make a deal with you and your parents." He explained as if it was as easy as he said it.

"What kind of deal?" I asked suspiciously.

"That's for you to find out soon." He said prodding my nose as he passed me towards my house.

"I want to know now! And what is your name?" I said grabbing his suit, he stopped and turned to me.

"Heath." He smiled, winked then continued his way to my front door, dragging me along with him.

He rung the door bell and grabbed my hand. I yanked away from him, but he looked amused instead of upset. The door swung open and my mum stood surprised, that this handsome, wait no! What am I saying, not handsome. This obnoxious guy stood confidently in front of her.

"Um, hello, honey who is this?" She asked looking round him at me.

"......a friend..." What else could I say?!!

"Oh, okay, come in." She welcomed him in, he did not deserve my mums warm welcome. But he smiled, grabbed my hand, and towed me into my own home.

"What's your name?" My mum asked once he was sat down on the sofa next to me. I felt uncomfortable.

"Heath, it's nice to meet you, but I'm not here for small talk." He answered standing pulling me with him.

"Oh, well why are you here?" She asked frowning. My dad walked into the room waved and sat down to watch football.

"I met your daughter this evening, and I would like to offer you one billion dollars, for her hand." He explained, I'm pretty sure everyone gasped, I felt like I was having a heart attack.

"Excuse me?.." I said through ragged breaths. This topic even had my dad listening.

"I want you to marry me, in return I give your parents a billion dollars, and you will get a good education, so you can quit that job. As well as wonderful accommodation." He explained further.

I was pretty sure my mum and dad would disapprove straight away, but when I turned to them they were exchanging looks. "Mum, can't be seriously considering this?!" I exclaimed with anger.

"Honey, we need the money, we are in severe dept, this is the only way. You know we will always love you." She explained not even looking me in the eye.

"Great! Well I will be here tomorrow to pick you up. We will be visiting a few people to announce our wedding, also pack your stuff, you will be moving in with me." He smiled then with that, kissed me on the cheek, I flinched away from him. He waved to my parents. "I will write the cheque tonight." Then he walked out smiling happily.

"How could you!!!! How!!?? Your suppose to love me!!! Not sell me!!! I never want to see you again!" I cried before sprinting up the stairs, and crying myself to sleep.


I couldn't stop smiling as I opened the door and stepped into the car.

"How did it go?" Cal asked, knowing the answer.

"Great, my father won't take my money now." I smirked knowing that I was using this girl so I got my money, but I couldn't hide the twinge of guilt I felt for taking a beautiful girl away from what she loved, just so I got money.

"Well done Heath, and you got the good one." He added as we drove away from her house. Where I expect havoc had broken loose.

"Yea.....the good one." I whispered as I stared into the night...


I hated that 'Heath' he was taking me away from the people I loved, although they were letting me go willingly, so I hope they burn in hell. I had to pack my stuff on my own, as I had locked my door, so my parents couldn't enter.

They were right about the debt, last year they had bought this big 4 bedroom house which caused their dept, they had nothing to pay back with. With the food and clothes need their debt dug deeper. But this was not the right way to pay it back.

I threw my clothes into the bag along with essentials, and chargers for my phone and iPad. My eyes welled up with tears, as I packed photos, and posters. In a week I would be married to a snobby obnoxious rich idiot, which offered my parents a life times worth of money, making them sell me.

Once packed I was wet with tears, I jumped onto my bed and crying and crying until I fell into a deep sleep. Waiting for tomorrow when my life would change...

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