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"I'm going to see my father, stay here, then when I come back we can go for lunch." I told Eve smiling at her.

She get her cereal and smiled back before sitting at the table.

"Okay, don't be long." She replied winking.

"Never." I laughed kissing her gently.

She kissed me back before I pulled away smiling deeply into her sparkling eyes.

"Love you." She smiled softly.

"Love you too, I must go, bye." I relied standing up and heading for the door.

"I'll be here." She said scooping up her cereal.

I smiled then walked out closing the door and locking it behind me. I walked to the lift and down to the reception where the man greeted me and took me to my car driver.

"Lucy!" I exclaimed jumping in as soon as I saw her cheery face looking through the window.

"Heath! How are you?" She asked as the man shut the door.

"I'm great how's it been?" I replied as she drove away from the pick up lane.

"Okay, I guess. Did you hear about Jazz, it's awful." She frowned looking out the wind screen.

"I know me and Eve are visiting her later. It was Zack..." I sighed feeling ashamed.

"Heath he may be brother in blood, but in real he's not even like a brother to you, so don't feel embarrassed because it was him not you." She explained making me feel a little better.

"Your right, I just feel don't know..." I huffed as we drove down my fathers road.

"You don't have to know, just be who you are and stay that way." She told me driving into my fathers ten car drive way. His house was big, ten bedroom and also some of our family stayed there as the kitchen was big enough to hold at least sixty people!

"Thanks, stay here I won't be long." I smiled stepping out the car and walking away.

I knocked lightly on the door, and my father opened looking chiseled and his face unreadable.

"Hi son." He said sternly not making me feel welcome.

"Hi father." I replied walking in.

"Follow me." He ordered leading me up the massive spiral stairs to his office, where we usually ate Christmas dinner.

He frowned to himself, and opened the big double doors, then I froze. Zack was sitting at the long table looking through papers.

"Zack...?" I stammered surprised.

"Surprised brother? Yea your little wife didn't get rid of me...she may be cute and feisty but not strong enough. I realised she took my ticket once you left. Luckily I hadn't mentioned to you two that is till had money, money that means nothing to me." He smiled sarcastically.

"Father, what is he doing here?" I asked in disbelief.

"Sit." He said like stone.

I sat looking between Zack and father. "What's going on?" I asked worriedly.

"Umm, I don't know how to say-" father started.

"I do. See I am the older brother of us both. Therefore there are things I get over you." Zack started making my heart skip a beat. As he continued. "I was very happy when I went to find ways to break yours and Eve's marriage, I was successful." My eye brows dipped. "Being older I am supposed to marry before you, therefore I get first choice of the girl." Then I could swear my heart stopped beating. "Soooo, I am breaking yours and Eve's marriage, and offering her parents another billion dollars for them to agree to my demands." He smiled deviously.

My heart was broken. "Father! How could you?!" I yelled slamming my fists on the table as I stood up. "You can't let him do this! I love Eve! She loves me and would never marry him!! Please, do something!!" I yelled louder my eyes tearing.

"Sorry, son I can do nothing. It's the ruled made for billionaires." He sighed.

"What? Then why didn't you warn Zack about loosing his money if he didn't marry!?" I cried angrily.

"Because when I did he ran away and cut his own account off but not before taking enough money out."

"You know how much Eve means to me! Please!?!" I cried tears streaming down my face.

"Oh how I've always wanted to see you cry." Zack chuckled shooting sarcastic glares at me.

"You! Shut up! You have always wanted to make my life a misery! I hate you! And you know what those rules don't apply anymore! I'm no longer part of this family! I'm changing my name!" I shouted at Zack spitting at him.

"You can't, one you will loose your money, two the deal has already been made-" Zack started.

"What?..." I whispered my voice strained.

"Her parents have agreed to my demands, they needed more money, so you know, they delt." Zack plucked simply.

"Erghhhhh, arghhhhh." I exclaimed yelling as I punched the stone wall. I left a small dent before walking to Zack shooting lasers at him.

"Brother..." He warned cautiously.

"Don't brother me, you know how much she means to me! I knew you was mean but not this mean! Please!" I clenched my fists.

"What's done is done." He replied as I closed in on him.

Before he could say anything else, I punched him in the chest, hard. He buckled over and breathed hard.

"That's for stealing my wife." I yelled.

Then I kicked him in the knee.

"That's for hurting Jazz."

Then I punched him in the nose whilst kicking his shin.

"And that's for all those years ago!" I yelled in his ear.

Then I whirled to father while Zack moaned in pain.

"Please father please." I begged starting cry with sadness again.

"I will try and find something." He told me apologetically, then leaned into my ear. "For now go someplace else, stay with someone far away, because I know you know how determined your brother is." He whispered before shooing me away.

"Thanks, please try." I replied running out the door, tears still streaming like waterfalls.

I ran outside to the car where Lucy waited.

"Go! Please!" I told Lucy slamming the car shut.

"Why what's happening!?" She asked surprised while driving out the drive way and down back to the apartments.

I explained everything to her till we got back, then I got dizzily out the car.

"Heath I will wait here till you are ready to leave." Lucy told me but her voice was muffled.

"Sir what's wrong." The man at the door rushed over.

"I-I- I think I' shock...." My voice slurred before I collapsed into darkness.

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