The pain

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I was in pain, and every so often my eyes watered and Heath had to comfort me to soothe the pain.

We drove for an hour until we got to our apartment, two smartly dressed men ran to the car, and helped me out, I whimpered and Heath helped the other men carry me into the building to the elevator.

"Baby are you okay?" Heath asked me as we stood in the elevator with the other guys.

"I'm okay just need to rest."

"Heath would you like us to call up a doctor?" One of them said kindly.

"Eve?" Heath asked me.

"Yes, that would be best." I replied whimpering as my knee clicked and turned to jelly. I wanted to puke just as the doors opened and the guys all helped me to our room.

"The doctor will be up in an hour, there are some tablets in your kitchen." The same guy said softly as Heath helped me into the room, and onto our bed.

"Just rest." Heath told me, laying me down gently on my side of our bed. Then sat on the edge next to me.

"Thank you Heath." I smiled softly, then winced when a lightning pain shot through my knee and back.

"Eve, it's okay, the doctor will be here soon." He soothed holding my hand.

I just groaned my eyes watering from the pain.

"Oh, I don't know what to do." Heath looked like he was about to cry, his forehead creased with worry.

"It's fine, I'm okay, don't cry." I replied placing a hand on his cheek.

"I'm sorry, you wouldn't have to have dealt with that if I wasn't for me...." He sighed sadness clear in his voice.

"It's not your fault." I replied pulling him down to lay next to me. I chuckled at his face if surprise.

"Okay but-" he started just as the door bell went off. "That will be the doctor, wait here." He got up off the bed.

"Well, it's not as if I can get anywhere Heath." I joked, he didn't find it funny because his blue eyes washed with anger.

"Please, don't joke when your like this." He gritted his teeth, then walked out leaving the door wide open.

"Hello Doctor." I heard his say down the hall way.

"Hello where is she?" A kind mans voice floated down the hall way.

"In our room." Heath replied. I could hear their footsteps getting closer.

When they walked in, I studied the doctor, he was super buff, and was in his mid twenties by the look of his skin. He had neatly parted brown hair, and mossy green eyes.

"Hello Eve." He said and my eyes whipped to his eyes.


"So what happened?" He asked looking at both of us.

Once we explained he walked over to me and examined my knee and back, with out telling us what was wrong, he just nodded and whispered to himself.

"Okay." He started picking up his equipment which had banged against my knee which hurt, a lot. "She has a tiny fracture in her knee, which should repair it's self within three to six days. So just rest it till it feels better. Her back, is fine, just jolted, which means it will hurt again for several days. Apart from that she is as healthy." He explained seriously.

"Thank you doctor." I said smiling softly.

"Yes, thank you." Heath agreed.

"No problem, and congratulations on the wedding I will see you there." He replied smiling happily.

"See you there." I said sitting up slowly.

"Well, I will leave you to rest, hope he takes care of you." He sighed teasing Heath.

"I'd look after her with my life." Heath replied smiling making my heart flutter fast which tickled my insides.

"Good, bye Eve, Heath, I can see my self out thanks." He finished then walked out the room waving.

The doctor had given me hope, that soon, the vigorous pain would go leaving me healthy to enjoy my life again hopefully it would include Heath.

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