Truth shows

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Three days later


"Eve wake up, Eve!" I spoke loud in her sleepy face.

"What......Heath....what is it?" She replied half asleep. Her hair was an array of knots around her face and her cheek was red from sleeping on it all night.

"The doctor is coming in half an hour, if he says your good to go to school we will get to school for third period so get up and get ready." I explained her eyes widening and she shot up winced slightly but got out of bed, by her self. Then went to get dressed.

"Hurry." I yelled smiling to my self as I made her a quick piece of toast.

"Shut up Heath!" She snapped back.

She came out twenty long minuets later in a checkered shirt with a pair of denim jeans with black boots. Her hair was brushed back long down her back and she had a slight touch of mascara to her eye lashes. She looked wonderful.

"Anything the matter." She huffed raising an eye brow.

"No, just checking you look appropriate for my school." I smiled and handed her the toast as she sat down.

"And do I make the cut?" She raised her eye brow higher.

"Yep, perfectly."

"Anyway he might say one more day off." She replied looking down hungrily at the toast.

"Well if he does that's fine, if his doesn't that's fine, at least dressed like that your suitable for both."

"I guess." She sighed.

"Eat your toast before the doctor gets here." I told her before walking away to clean my teeth.


She seemed worried about school, but then again so was I.


Well the doctor said I was fine for school, yay, not. I didn't want to go to school I mean I loved education but making friends was a long and painful process for me.

I remember it took me two years to make a friend when I started a new school I listened to music and sat on my own before that I shut out the world even my mum couldn't reach me.

Hopefully this would be different because I was married to Heath (well getting married to him once I was well again, we postponed the wedding) maybe people would want to be friends with me, I hope.

"Ready?" Heath asked as I came out of our room.

"I guess...?" I replied stalling.

"You will be fine, stay with me, and I will indroduce you to people." he replied hugging my shoulders as we walked out the door.

"Okay." I smiled softly still not convinced.

"I promise you will be fine, oh yea we have a new driver, called Zack. He is one of my friends and he answered my messages that I needed a new driver." he explained as we stood in the elevator.

"Okay, fine with me." I replied as we walked to the entrance and thanked the toor men.

"Its the red car over there." he pointed out showing me a red BMW convertable waiting in the drop off zone.

we walked over and hopped in the back. I looked foward and saw a big brown eyed guy smiling back at us, his hair was neatly parted to the side and he had sparkling eyes, and also he looked like he worked out as he was buff.

"Hello, you must be Eve, Ive heard a lot about you, how are you? I'm Zack." he chimed, he looked younger than Heath as he still had little dimples.

"Hi, yea I'm Eve, and I'm good thanks." I replied smiling kindly at him.

"Well have a good day, both of you." he told us smiling at me, but I saw a flicker of fault in his eyes as he looked at Heath.

"Lets go." Heath said his body stiff.

"Okay, yea, dont want Eve to be late on her first day." Zack replied smiling at me. I smiled lightly back before he turned away and drove off.

I looked questionably at Heath, because of the way Zack had looked at him, but he shrugged emotionlessly before looking away.

For the rest of the drive it was silent and I stared out the window thoughts washing through my brain.


She was curious, that's for sure. The way Zack looked at me gave something away and now she wants to know why, but if I can help it she won't because I'm not keeping secrets from her, I'm keeping hurt away from me.


"Here is your timetable, most of your lessons are with me accept, maths, and biology. Meet me at our lockers at lunch and break, then we can find somewhere to eat. Promise me accept for lessons and break you won't go anywhere else without me, promise?" Heath explained handing me a piece of green paper with a grid on it saying certain lessons.

"Okay, okay, I promise. See you at break?" I replied taking everything in.

"Yes, I will see you soon." He told me, then gave me a hug kissed me on the cheek, and walked away waving happily.

"Excuse me?" A voice called from behind me, I whirled round to face a geeky looking boy with wide ridge glasses, five books and messy hair.

"Yes?" I asked confused.

"Are you Heaths fiancé?" He asked smiling revelling blue braces.

"Um, yes, why?" I answered raising an eyebrow.

"Thought so, your pretty, but you standing on my folder." He told me pointing to my foot which was standing on a blue folder saying Jon Ebert on it.

"I'm sorry, here let me pick it up for you." I panicked already It was my first ten minuets and I was already standing on someone's folder.

"It's fine, your new." He smiled then picked it up and waved walking away.

"Wait, what do you have?" I called, he turned back and walked to me.

"I have maths, I'm in slot two, you?" He asked pulling me along with him.

"Same could you show me the way?" I smiled finally finding someone who had the same lessons as me.

"Yea. So you and Heath?" He replied his question made me jolt.

"Yes......this Saturday." I told him as we walked down a corridor and turned right and up some stairs. The door at the top said maths, telling me we were nearly there.

"Cool, a little young though." He replied raising an eye brow.

Some thing told me I should lie. "I'm nearly nineteen and we love each other more than ever when we met." I stiffened remembering our real first meet.

"Fair enough, well here is our maths so come on in." He smiled pointing to a room full of children messing about as there was no teacher. "Don't worry the teacher is always late." He added opening the door.

Suddenly all eyes were on us, well me.

"Everyone, this is Eve, she is new so be nice." He announced pushing me in gently and closing the door behind us.

It was silent till a small skinny girl with ginger hair came forward, she was certainly pretty and she was smiling happily.

"Hello Eve, I'm Jazz, short for-" she started.

"Shut up Jazz, I'm pretty sure she knows what it's short for." A annoyed sounding girl stomped forward, suddenly I felt ugly around all these beautiful girls. This girl had died red hair brown eyes, and an amazing figure. I felt really ugly.

"Millie you shut up, at least I had the decency to actually talk to her." Jazz replied angrily.

"Okay if that's why. Hi Eve, I'm Millie, get out of here and go back to where you belong you poor little bitch." She smiled sarcastically at me then whirled back to Jazz.

"That's not nice." Jazz yelled getting all in her face. Meanwhile I stood frozen Millie's words echoing in my head.

"Stop!" A guys voice this time shouted from the back of the crowd. He pushed forward, my stomach flipped he was gorgeous, that typical dream boyfriend, and he was real. "Eve you sit next to me and Jazz at the back, come, rest of you calm it and sit!" He ordered his face tight. "Millie that was rude say sorry." He added when everyone walked away.

"Why, it was the truth?" She snapped folding her arms across her chest.

"Say. Sorry. Now." He said slowly.

"Fine! Sorry Eve." She said a angry huff.

"Leave her alone from now on." I heard Jazz practically growl once I had started to walk away with this guy.

"Here sit there." He directed pointing to a seat at the back In-between two other seats.

"Okay, thanks." I mumbled. Once I had sat down Jazz came and sat down next to me along with the guy on the other side of me.

"Sorry about that, she does that a lot." Jazz explained biting her lip.

"Yea, she doesn't like change. Oh and I'm Max." The guy agreed also telling me his name.

"Hi, I'm Eve, and it's okay just kinda a shock." I answered quietly.

"We know who you are, nearly the whole school does." Max told me winking.

"What!? How?" I panicked hoping it was a good knowing not a bad knowing.

"Heath, he's been bragging about you, said your beautiful and kind hearted, and I can agree with the beautiful part." Max teased shoving my shoulder playfully.

"Yea the girls have been curious for days!" Jazz added chuckling.

"Oh, wow." I said breathlessly, knowing Heath had said that made my heart ache to see him.

"We are here for you, think of us as your best new friends!" Jazz smiled kindly.

"Yes we are always together along with a couple others, usually found outside on the hard court." Max said "just come find us if you need us." He added smiling a wide mouth smile.

"Thanks, so much." I replied gratefully, just as the teacher burst through the door.

"What was going on in here!? I could hear you from downstairs! Explain, now!" A middle aged woman with a blonde bob, and raged blue eyes yelled after slamming the door.

All of us were silent, so I stood up. Max grabbed my hand and shook his head but I mouthed 'trust me' and he let go.

"Oh, you must be....." The woman started calming slightly

".......Eve I'm Eve. Hello miss." I finished politely.

"Well hello Eve, welcome sit down and I will forget about the little incident, so we can get started." She smiled as she put her computer on her desk.

"Yes miss, I'm ready to learn." I smiled and slowly sat aback down, with all eyes on me.

"How did you do that, she never forgets." Jazz whispered frantically but with shock.

"Heath taught me how." I smiled as all eyes went back to the teacher.

Jazz chuckled and so did Max. I smiled thinking maybe I had two friends already. I was happy at school for once, thanks to Heath, I owed him big time, I love him.



School had been good so far, it was very modern, and had white walls with small splashes of colour in certain places. The outside was amazing it was a modern material and made it look elegant and new. Some of the windows were as big as a whole face of the wall which was amazing.

At lunch I met Heath at the lockers and we went to meet his friends. He took my hand and pulled me into the circle shaped hall with many tables and chairs.

"That's one is ours." He pointed to the table in the corner with was the most popular and had about twenty guys and girls crowding round it eating and listening to music. "Come on Eve, they don't bite." He joked.

"I can't eat with them." I replied seeing Millie there glaring at me.

"Why? They are my friends." He frowned sad.

"I can't, I just can't Heath, please can we go some where else." I begged.

"There is no where else to go Eve." He said still frowning as he pulled my chin up to face his eyes.

I thought about somewhere then it popped into my head. "I know!" I jumped grabbing his hand and pulling him away with me.

"HEATH!!" A voice yelled across the hall I ignored it, and kept pulling him away.

"Eve slow down!" He struggled to constrain me.

"Okay. Sorry." I replied and slowed into a walk.

"Please tell me why my friends scare you." He asked again.

"What makes you think I'm scared of them?" I asked.

"I saw your face, you looked afraid." He told me making me cringe that I could be so easy to read.

"I just don't like eating in big crowds." I replied quietly.

Suddenly he had pushed me against a wall outside and trapped me between his arms. I yelped and then giggled.

"Heath not at school!" I giggled pushing his chest.

"Tell me why, or I will embarrass you more." He told me making my giggles stop.

"No, Heath that's not fair!" I complained seriously.

"Then you will tell me why you didn't want to sit with my friends." I could see he was trying to stifle a smile.

"Oh, this isn't fair." I groaned.

He moved his face closer to mine as people walked past staring at us not in a Erghh way but a okayy.... Way.

I didn't want to tell him why, but I also didn't want him to embarrass me. His face was so close I could feel his breath. Oh, what the heck! I let him kiss me, it was just as amazing as his other kisses but being trapped between him made it nicer, and cosier.

"Tell me..." He moaned against my lips.

"Nope..." I replied but it was muffled to only he could hear me.

He kissed me harder placing a hand on my shoulder then ran it up to my neck and pulled me to him. I could feel more and more eyes on us, so I came up with a quick plan. And stomped on his foot, kicked his shin and kissed his cheek before running to where I knew Jazz was.

"Sorry Heath, love you!" I yelled back seeing him rubbing his leg in pain.

"Eve come back!" He yelled a hint of anger in his voice.

"Get me first!" I chuckled then saw Jazz and Max talking with other people and ran to them. "Jazz!" I shouted and she looked at me in surprise.

"Eve?" She said confused as I got to her.

I pointed to Heath who ran round the corner and skidded to a stop in front of me and Jazz.

"Why did you do that?" He gasped pointing to his leg.

"Because people were staring Heath!" I told him taking his hand, feeling bad because he looked upset. "Sorry Heath."

"I forgive you, who's this?" He asked pointing to Jazz.

"I'm Jazz I met Eve in maths." I was about to agree, but she continued making me worried. "When Millie was rude and upset her." She added making me freeze and my eyes widened and looked away from Heath.

"Eve is this true?" He asked surprised.

"Well yes I guess I can't say no now." I whispered.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I didn't think we would see her again." I replied.

"Eve...." He whispered then hugged me tight. "Please tell me next time, I can help." He whispered in my ear.

"I'm sorry Heath, I should have told you." I hugged him back.

"So where shall we eat now?" He asked pulling away.

"Eat with us!" Jazz exclaimed.

"Heath it would be nice for you to know my friends." I smiled hopefully.

"Yea, why not." He smiled then we followed Jazz and Max who was talking to two other boys who looked a lot like him accept for hight.

Lunch was great we had laughs, and I think even Heath enjoyed himself once he got talking to the boys.

"Eve, I'm going to go and get my bag I left it in my locker be back in a min." Heath said kissed my forehead and walked away.

"You two are great together." Jazz chirped. "He really loves you." She winked.

"Thanks." I replied suddenly something caught my attention. "That's Zack's car." I whispered seeing the red BMW parked in the car park. I started walking towards the gates.

"What are you doing?" Jazz asked pulling me back.

"I have to see why he is here." I explained pulling her with me.

"Stop, it's locked and you can't leave anyway if you get caught god knows what will happen." She told me frantically.

"Jazz, this is important, I can feel it, I need to make sure he is okay." I begged trying to get away.

"I agree with the girl I wanna see a rebel around here time to time!" Max teased pushing me gently towards the fence.

"No, she could get expelled!" Jazz exclaimed annoyed.

"I will be fine." I smiled gently to comfort her.

"Okay....just quickly, please....." She huffed but worried I could see it in her eyes.

"Yes, now one of you give me a boost." I joked looking at Jazz, but Max stepped forward.

"Sure, I will, you look as light as a feather." He chuckled walking towards me.

"Thanks Max." I smiled stifling a laugh.

Once he had given me a boost, I checked it was clear then ran through the car park to his red car. I peered inside the window and no one was there. I pulled at the handle, It was open, how strange......I looked inside. I saw his driving licence and being as nosy as I am picked it up and looked at it. He was 19 wow I thought he looked younger than me! Then I froze my eyes pinged into place when I saw something that mixed my emotions up like my head was a blender.

Gender: male
Age: 19
First name: Zack
Surname: Carllton

That was Heaths last name, no. This couldn't be! Why wouldn't he tell me?! He had a brother, a brother who was driving us everywhere. The only thing was the way Zack had looked at Heath, he looked disgusted and had pure hate in his eyes when he looked at him.

Zacks angry eyes flashed in my mind making me shiver from the coldness of them.

I needed to find Heath and ask him why he was keeping secrets from me, now!

I was about to get out when a pair of eyes were looking at me through the window.

"Eve what are you doing in my car, and with my driving licence, wait, no, give that to me! Heath and I don't want you seeing that!" Zack told me his voice getting more and more angry. He opened the door and I jumped out my face full of pure heat.

"You and Heath are keeping secrets from me, aren't you!" I exclaimed shoving his licence into his chest. "I barely know you and you decide to keep secrets! How could you and Heath, everyone is a lie, my life is a lie! I prodded my finger at his chest and pushed him back he stumbled.

"Eve, please calm down, let me explain for both of us!" He begged wincing as he hit the wire fence.

"Eve, let him go!!" I heard and saw Jazz and Max shouting and running towards me.

"No, I want Heath to explain he is my fiancé he deserves more blame than anyone!" I exclaimed letting him go, and climbing over the fence again, using Zacks shoulder. He whimpered.

"Eve, please we have an explanation just listen to me!" Zack begged his eyes watering he looked upset and like he wanted to cry his eyes out.

"Why are you crying?"

"Because. I don't want Heath to get hurt he doesn't need to explain he can't, I need to." He started crying.

"Okay explain." I instructed.


I couldn't help my eyes from watering, the story was sad, in many different ways and now I hated Zack more than Heath.

"I need.....Heath, I find him...." I mumbled wiping my eyes. "I still need him to tell me as well."

"Not the whole thing." Zack said standing up on the other side of the fence. Who knew those eyes held hate for someone he hurt.

"Just questions." I clarified.

"Okay, bye Eve." He grumbled sadly.

"Bye." I huffed rolling my eyes at him. I turned to Jazz and Max who were also watery eyes.

"Heath?" Jazz asked.

"Heath." I nodded then we ran to find Heath.


Lunch had been good I didn't want to leave Eve to get my bag but I had to. Once I had my bag I walked into the hall and said hi to my other friends I didn't talk to Millie, I couldn't believe I thought she was lovely and kind, when she did things like that.

"Bye guys." I called over the voices.

"Buy Heath." They replied smiling my best mate Matt punched my shoulder.

"Ouch Matt." I explained and punched him back, satisfied with his frown I walked away. When I walked down the hall way I looked at all the art work on the walls and smiled.

"Heath..." I heard a girly voice which I recognised straight away.

"Millie go away." I moaned turning to face her.

"Why, what changed?" He pouted walking towards my deliberately swaying her butt.

"You changed, that's what." I told her backing away from her.

"What did I do?" She said innocently.

"You upset Eve!" I exclaimed angrily.

"I thought you only married her for your money!" She pressed making my face burn.

"No, she changed me and I love her!"

"She's done nothing but make you soft, like a teddy, you used to be tough and get whatever you want!"

"I'm not like that, and I'm happier this way!" I yelled at her.

She took a step closer to me.


I saw him I took one step closer of my fast walk.


She took another step with another pout.


Millie? Why was she with him, one step closer.


She saw someone, blinked step closer.


She was close to him, one step more.


I went to see who it was, but she had me. Kissed me hard, like a think fast.


She kissed him. He didn't pull away, one step back.

" that Millie and Heath?" Jazz asked obviously short sighted.

"Yes, and they are kissing...." I whispered.

"What! How could he?!" Jazz exclaimed gasping. Max placed a hand on my shoulder.

I ran away crying. A Thousand steps away.


I tried to shove her away but she wouldn't I heard someone crying..........oh no Eve....

"Get off!!" I growled shoved her away into the wall. I ran the way the cry came from and bumped into Jazz and Max who looked angry and upset.

"Where is she?" I gasped.

"That way, you should be ashamed of yourself, she's really upset!" Jazz told me angrily pointing to the maths department exit.

"She kissed me! I tried to get her off me Jazz." I explained. "I love Eve I need to find her."

"Do you believe him?" Jazz asked Max.

"Hmmm." He said looking deeply into my eyes making me feel awkward. "Yea, he's not bluffing, so we will help him find her, but be warned, if your lying and hurt our Evie I will mush you big guy."

"I promise I'm not lying, let's go."

Then we ran in her direction.

Please Eve I love you!!

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