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"I love you..." Heath whispered pulling me to his chest.

"I love you too...." I mumbled into his chest, breathing in his cologne, he smelt different. It was lynx but mixed with something else.

"Eve?" He asked, after I realised I'd been sniffing him.

"Sorry." I blushed.

"It's okay....where are we going to go?" He wondered sadly.

"I feel like we are in a movie, being chased till the death!" I exclaimed, Heath found it funny and started laughing.

"Heath...I don't think we should be laughing around here, Zack...." I told him then we walked down the road, my eyes darted everywhere scared that any moment Zack would jump out.

"Maybe we should stay at a hotel?" I suggested.

"I know a friend who works at the hotel, we can go there, he's a friend so hopefully will get us a room." Heath smiled then called a cab.

I was tired, I felt like we had been chased all week, we had one chance of luck, then it failed miserably when that luck disintegrated. It was upsetting that me and Heath couldn't just have a happy life together, soon our baby is coming and I don't want to loose her. Heath is my life, and soon she would be too, this rate I won't be able to look after her, she needs a stable home, right now me and Heath have the exact opposite.

Zack was ruining everything I'd ever dreamed of...all of it...



"How many friends do you have?..." Eve trailed off.

"Lots, but all my closest ones don't live in New York anymore." I replied holding Eve's hand as we walked into the big hotel.

"Oh..." She whispered. I was about to ask why she was so quiet, but was cut off by a voice.

"Heath!" I whirled to see my old best friend Daniel smiling with gesturing arms.

"Dan!" I replied happily.

"Good to see you, been a few years. Who's this? Wait, is this the girl?" He grinned shaking her hand.

"Yes, Dan this is Eve." I answered.

"Eve, you are beautiful." He admired her. She didn't react really, just nodded and smiled the smallest of smiles.

"What can I do for ya?" Dan asked un phased by Eve's attitude.

"We are desperate for a room." I told him seriously.

"I'm sure we have a spare, wait here." He smiled again, then walked hastily away in his suit and tie.

"Annoying..." Eve coughed.

"Why is he annoying?" I asked surprised.

"I am not in the mood for his personality." She turned away a frown embedded on her face.

I didn't reply as Dan came back.

"Follow me." He grinned a toothy smile.

We followed him into the lift, and he pressed the floor 30 button, this was going to be awkward...

"You too are cute together, sorry I couldn't be at the wedding." Dan broke the silence.

"It's fine, I'm just glad to see you again now." I replied.

"You and Eve have the double room...the best for my friends." He told us.

I looked at Eve who was rolling her eyes. What was wrong with her?

When the doors opened I sighed to myself with relief. We walked down the long hall, the walls purple and they looked silky.

"Hope you enjoy, stay as long as you like." Dan opened our doors and handed me the key.

"Thanks Dan." I punched his shoulder and walked inside.

"Thanks..." Eve mumbled shuffling in.

Dan smiled then shut the door gently. Eve sighed and it was straight by her side when she began to cry.

"Evie?" I wiped tears from her eyes.

She collapsed to the floor taking me with her.

"What's wrong?" I asked trying to see in her eyes.

"It's stupid I know...but I'm scared, I act brave but inside I'm breaking, worried that at any moment Zack could find us..." She replied between sobs.

"Oh Evie, I won't let him get you...I love you and I will protect you with my life." I told her patting and soothing her back as she sobbed into my chest, I could feel her tears soaking through my blue polo shirt.

"You can't protect me forever, what about the baby? I want her to be safe..." She burst out.

"I will, and don't worry...we will try everything we can..." I pulled her chin to look at me.

"Heath...can you look me in the eye and tell me for definite that we will be safe?" She challenged.

"Eve, isn't it enough that I said I would protect you?" I asked cupping her cheek.

"For now, but nothing for sure will keep us safe..." She frowned then stood up.

I jumped up, grabbed her waist and slammed her against the wall. She gasped in surprise, then saw my calm and safe face. She smiled up at me through her eye lashes, she was so beautiful. As quick as lightning I mushed my lips against hers and kissed her desperately but my hand touched her face gently. I stroked her smooth face, trailing my hand up her face, before grabbing the roots of her hair, pulling her head harder into mine. Our lips moved together in sinc, her hand against my chest while the other rested on my collar bone. I trapped her between my arms, wanting to hide her in my arms so no one could hurt her, find her or my baby girl. She smiled against my lips, then tickled her fingers up my neck, laying her hand on the base on my neck. She mushed our faces into one, I chuckled then picked her up, she curled her legs round my hips. I carried her into the living room room, and rested her on the sofa, I fell down with her.

"I will always protect you Evie, always." I told her between ragged breaths, while I kissed her. She nodded against me.

"I believe you.." She mumbled ruffling my hair gently, while I kissed her eagerly.

"I love you too much Eve." I breathed squeezing her waist while she trailed her hands down to the small of my back.

"I need you Heath..." She told me desperately.

"Evie you have me." I replied Kissing he harder.

She nodded and I kissed and touched her lovingly...because I loved her, more than anything.

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