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Two months later



I was getting anxious, very anxious. I was about 4 months till mine and Heath's baby was due and I felt big. Every time I woke up in the morning my round bulging lump made me jump. Things were becoming uncomfortable, sleeping was hard, eating was tough as everything tasted weird, but Lucy (like a mother) made sure I ate three meals a day. Then there was the morning sickness, erghh, it was the worst thing. Every morning I shoved Heath awake then we ran to the bathroom where he held my hair back while I puked my guts out. He was a gentleman to me, but I felt rude making him help me.

That was bad but every so often, I'd be sitting with Heath and Lucy on the sofa, when I suddenly felt a little but heart warming kick, every time I nearly cried, because it reminded me, that inside me was a real baby alive. I wanted to protect my baby and I would all the way through her life till she no longer needed me. I know this sounds weird, but when I'm alone I talk to her, tell her she's going to be alright, because it not only gives her a sense of safety but it gives me some as well. The amazing thing was when I did talk to her she would sometimes but rarely kick in reply. It's amazing how one little nudge can change everything, make you smile, laugh, cry. I guess that's why they say it's the little things that count.

We had been lucky, lucky in the fact Zack had kept away completely. Whether he was still looking or not, I don't know. Heath told me he would protect me everyday and still does now, it helps for an hour. Then I find my self staring out the window rubbing my lump, while checking the roads paths and every place I could see, because at the first sight of him me and Heath agreed with Lucy and Joe that we would leave and go to another room. Heath was convinced Zack had given up, but I wasn't so sure, I'd never met anyone so driven to get what they want...if he had given up I would run around Paris naked. To me Zack was just making us think that so we would leave the apartment on our own. So unless the words 'I am giving up' came from Zack's mouth I would be extra careful.

He was trouble there was no doubt there.


I was ecstatic! Our baby a little girl, she would be treasured and loved forever. I didn't like seeing Eve struggle or in pain, but she said it would be all worth it in the end. Which I'm sure it would because me and Eve were starting our own family, one that would hopefully be happy.

"Eve, honey do you want a sandwich?" Lucy called from the kitchen.

Eve twisted awkwardly on the sofa next to me.

"I'm fine." She smiled.

"No, you are having a sandwich." Lucy replied sternly.

"Lucy, why give me the option if I don't have an actual say anyway!?" Eve exclaimed with disbelief.

"Because I like seeing your expression." She giggled buttering eight pieces of bread.

"That's mean." Joe told her leaning against the counter next to Lucy.

"Yeah, what's so funny about it?!" Eve agreed.

"You look surprised, shocked, and angry. Let's just say it makes me chuckle." Lucy laughed placing ham on the bread.

"Erghhhhh, Lucy I'm not hungry!" Eve groaned stepping to her feet awkwardly.

"You need to eat, that little baby of yours needs to be healthy." Lucy winked.

"She's not born yet..." Eve huffed walking to her usual place at the window.

I always wondered what she was looking for, but she would stand there for minuets soothing her bump and looking down for whatever caught her eye.

"Look if you loose to much weight you won't be healthy for child birth Eve, so eat up." Lucy placed our plates on the table and everyone sat down accept Eve. Ten short minuets later Eve smiled down at her stomach and walked over to the table, to sit next to me.

"Thanks Lucy." Eve smiled then ate slowly, as it looked like it took a lot of her effort.

"That's okay, so when are we all going to go baby shopping." Lucy got to small girl talk.

"We could go tomorrow?" Eve replied looking at me hopefully.

"Are we all going?" I asked her.

"I want you to come Heath." She smiled hopefully.

"Then we all have to come." Lucy added looking at Joe.

"But-" Joe started.

"No, I'm not leaving you here on your own." Lucy told him sternly.

"Lucy you know I-" he started again.

"No! You coming with it's too dangerous!" Lucy's voice like thunder.

Then with a whip of her hair and shove of her chair she stormed away to her room slamming the door behind her.

"Sorry guys, it's not that I don't wanna be with you tomorrow, it's just not my thing. I will talk to her, but I will probably come tomorrow, Lucy seems pretty sharp about it." He sighed.

"It's okay." Eve smiled.

Joe smiled softly at both of us then walked away to the bedroom to reason with Lucy.

"I'm going to stay out of that trouble." Eve teased, then kissed my cheek.

"Me too." I laughed rubbing her bump gently.

"Hope me and you never get like that." She poked her tongue out.

"Never, because we are like this." I crossed my fingers showing her with a big grin.

She flashed her teeth, dazzling me with her beauty.

She then pulled me into a hug, and we sat peacefully just hugging each other gently.

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