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I felt awful leaving my best friends without me, now they had no driver, and Eve had lost me, I was her only best friend who came with them and I left her.

I drove my hired car to the airport and hopped out hoping no one saw me leaving it. I towed my bags through the air port and prepared my self to say the speech which would hopefully get me a ticket home.

I walked up to the woman who was obviously going to be French and cleared my throat.

"Oui Madame?" She asked politely.

"Je parle américain." I replied hoping she understood my awful French.

"Oui, oui." She understood signalling me to wait at minuet. Then she walked away into the room behind.

I stood for several minuets, until she returned with a man who looked French and he smiled sweetly.

"Hello Miss." He said awkwardly.

"Hello, um I have an emergency and I need to get back to America as soon as I can, please." I explained emotionally.

"Well, I will have to see." Then he turned to the girl and talked full on French, I couldn't even comprehend.

"She will see if there are any seats available." He told me smiling.

"Okay thankyou." I replied, then he hurried off as the woman clicked at the mouse and her eyes darted around the screen looking eagerly.

"Oui, no?" She asked suddenly turning the screen to me. I looked and saw she had a flight for one o'clock, and hour from now.

"Oui." I smiled. Then I handed her some money I wasn't sure how much was there but I'm sure there was enough to pay for the ticket.

"Merci?" She replied then I walked away with my ticket.

I felt worried, something didn't feel right about leaving Eve and Heath...


"Do you think she was telling the truth?" I asked Heath as we walked away from the cottage.

"I don't know, although I have no idea why she would leave..." He replied.

"Same...I guess it just seemed odd..." I said confusion filling my brain.

"Oh well. So shall we get a cab, it will be a long ride but you know it will be worth it." He asked dropping the subject.

"Yea! You think I'm walking all that way?" I exclaimed taking his hand.

"Okay I will call one." He pulled his phone out and called a cab number. "Hello?" He said. "Yes, um can we have a cab please..." I blanked out as we stood on the path watching cars go by.

My mind sped, why would Lucy leave? I mean she was our driver! And most of all my friend...

"Eve, the cab is on it's way, we are meeting it a few yards from here, come on." He pulled me down the road.

All I could think about was why?


I got on the plane half an hour before the plane left, I was in first class because I gave enough money for it. I sat on the comfy plane chair.

thinking I was the only one on the plane at this time I got my phone out and texted my father saying I was on the plane and to text me how mum was.

"Hello." A male voice made me jump. I looked up to see a teenage guy with messy blonde hair and hazel eyes smiling down at me.

'Yes?" I asked smiling back.

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