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After we called the guys to say we were done shopping we looked around a little longer as they weren't done yet.

"Shall we just look in there." Jazz pointed to a clothes shop on the corner.

"Okay sure." I replied stepping out the car.

We walked in and looked around individually as agreed to join together at the entrance when we were done.

I walked along the trouser isle seeing if I could find any my size.

"Hi, Eve." I heard a familiar voice say from a few feet behind me.

I slowly tuned round and my eyes widened when I saw Millie standing there with her hand on her waist and her face smiling a sarcastically.

"Mille?..." I whispered worriedly. I shouldn't be worried about her because she was just trying to look for a fight, but the fact she kissed Heath made me think I HAD done something but what?

"Ohhh you said my name." She stepped closer.

"What do you want?" I demanded trying to sound confident, but she was like eight inches taller than me.

"I just wanted to say hi Eve."

"That's a lie, I saw you kissing Heath!" I exclaimed my face burning.

"Yes, I did see you too. He tried to pull away, but I wanted you to think he was a liar, but that didn't work, did it? She smiled enjoying herself.

"Don't touch him again!" I yelled running towards her, his could be like one of those girl fights over a boy, but he fact is I already won Heath.

I ran towards her but she pulled me by the blouse of my top and lifted me up, making it hard for me to breath. I whimpered and tears watered around my eyes.

"Oh Evie, you should know poor girls like you are no match for me, do your self a favour, give up." She told me pulling me higher, strangling me more. I could feel my blouse top button rubbing my neck making my skin sting.

"Let m-me go..." I gulped trying to breathe desperately.

"What ever you say." Then she thew me onto the ice cold marble floor. I hit my head and cried a little.

"Pathetic girl." Millie sneered before walking away leaving me gasping for air and a bleeding head.

I undid my top button so I could breathe easier I sat on the floor rubbing my stinging neck and bruised head.

"Eve!" Jazz exclaimed running round the isle towards me. "Lucy, over here!" She yelled. "Oh my, Eve are you okay?" She asked looking at my bleeding head.

"No, we need to go home now!" I told her trying to stand up just as Lucy came to help me.

We got I the car and Lucy drove us back.

We got out and called two men over in suits to help me.

"Call the doctor!" The taller one said helping me in with Jazz and Lucy next to me.

Once in my room I laid down and the man asked if I needed anything.

"Yes, don't tell my fiancé, Heath. He doesn't need to know." I asked hopefully.

"But miss, this is serious-" he started.

"No, it is really not, please if he finds out I will explain but I will try not to let him know." I told him again.

"Okay, the doctor is on his way." He smiled softly then left me with my friends.

"Heath is gonna find out!" Jazz exclaimed pointing to my bloody head.

"No once I'm cleaned up I will be fine."

"Look at your neck, you can't hide that!" She told me as Lucy placed my wedding dress under my side of the bed.

"Thanks Lucy, and I will make sure I cover it." I replied touching it lightly. I flinched slightly.

"We saw Millie and came to find you." Lucy told me standing up. Jazz nodded in agreement.

"We knew there was a chance you had ran into her." Jazz explained siting on the sofa bed.

"Well I did. Don't tell Heath." I told them as well.

"He will find out." Jazz said just as the doctor ran in.

"Eve?" He asked eyes widening as he looked at my head.

"Doctor." I said.

"What happened?" He walked over to me and started examining me.

"Just a little incident." I told him as he cleaned my head up.

"Don't need to know?" He asked knowing the answer.


He patched me up, put cream on my neck, checked my breathing.

"Be careful what ever happened." He told me seriously packing him equipment away,

"Yes doctor, thank you." I said great fully.

"It's my job. Bye." He smiled then walked away.

"Bye doc." My friends said together. I heard the doctor chuckled.

Once he was gone, my friends hugged me gently then went no was well.

"See you Saturday!" Jazz winked excited.

"Yes, hey you two wanna be brides maids?" I asked.

"Would I! Yes!! Thank you Eve!" Jazz jumped around.

"Yes I would love to." Lucy smiled then they went.

**thirty minuets later**

Heath came in I heard him say bye to Ben then she came into the living room. I had put on a jumper to cover the marks on my neck, also cleaned my face and washed my head and made it frizzy, so it was harder to see the cut.

"Hello baby." Heath smiled sitting next to me cupping my face.

"Hey Heath." I grinned turning to face my body at him as well.

"Good shopping trip?" He asked pulling my face closer to him.

"Yea it was great!" I smiled but gulping as well. "You?" I added.

"It was good." He replied bringing my face so close I could feel his breath on my face.

"Cool." But my voice faltered.

I flinched slightly as he touched my neck where it was sore, but he kissed me asking all pain disappear. We kissed lovingly, caring for each other as he held my hand and touched where the ring was. Still kissing me he brought my hand to his face and laid it on his cheek.

"Can I see your dress?" He asked against my lips.

"Nooo..." I replied. He pulled away to look into my eyes then smiled.

"Okay Eve." He smiled. Then winked before leaving me on the sofa to go and get ready for bed

I got dressed then got into bed. Ten minuets later Heath slid in next to me. We talked for ages about arrangements for the wedding, which we were sorting out tomorrow. At about one in the morning we finally stopped talking.

Heath helped me get to sleep by stroking my face. I was about to fall asleep when a stinging sensation woke me up like a shot. I opened my eyes to see Heath's eyes wide as he looked at my neck.

"What is that?" He asked getting out of bed and turning the light on.

He came back and looked at the raw red marks on my neck. "Eve, what is that?!" He exclaimed eyes blazing.

"What?" I played dumb.

"The red marks on your neck!" He said knowing I was playing dumb.

"Oh yea I was going to tell you." I lied. "But I didn't get the chance." I lied again.

"What happened?" He asked sitting me up.

"Millie is what happened." I snapped sadly.

"What, oh my, I have to-" he started.

"No you don't have to do anything please. Just sleep, me and you remember, nothing in our way." I told him seriously.

"Okay, but not next time Eve." He nodded, then turned the light out.

"Night Evie." He said kissing my head.

"Night Heath." I replied stroking his face.

Ten minuets later I slipped away into a calm deep sleep.

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