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So I had two choices:

Wait for them to arrive and face Heath now, or run away and face Heath later.

The problem was they both included seeing Heath, whether he liked me or not I didn't want to see him because he was kissed by Millie and didn't pull away, it doesn't matter if he didn't make the first move, because even I know to pull away when you getting married to someone else!

Still debating I heard voices calling for me.

"Eve!?" It was Heath. Well looks like I had made my decision...

"I'm here!" I yelled standing up looking for them.

"There you are." Jazz sighed with relief.

"Here I am..." I huffed seeing Heath running towards me.

He ran fast until he was right in front of me a frown of sadness embedded onto his beautiful face.

"Eve, good I've found you..." He gasped between ragged breaths.

"You alright, been running a lot?" I raised an eyebrow sarcastically.

"Yes! We found her!" I saw Max running now, clearly his great looks don't match with athleticism.

"Max, shhhh!" Jazz exclaimed. Max shushed and watched us.

"I'm sorry Eve." Heath began after he caught his breath.

"Care to explained before I accept your apology?" I crossed my arms but he grabbed my hand.

"I don't love like care for Millie at all she stopped me in the hallway and there was nothing I could do, she does this thing, it's annoying. But that kiss meant nothing I tried to pull away but she grabbed me you couldn't see from far away." He said pulling me close to him I could feel his heart beating rapidly. "Please, I love you Eve, trust me." He added while I still listened to his bold heart calming down.

My thought went back to what had happened between him and his brother, I hated Zack with a passion, I wanted to be annoyed with Heath too, but I couldn't find the strength to enjoy watching his face melt.

"I forgive you, please just run from her if she does that again." I replied my inner thoughts telling me I should've been ruder.

"I promise Eve, I promise." He sighed with relief pulling me into a big bear hug, I smiled into his chest before pulling away.

"We don't have to go back to school do we?" I asked hopefully.

"No." He smiled. "Let's go home." He added taking my hand.

"I'm glad you guys are okay." Jazz smiled delightfully while Max signalled us with a thumbs up.

"Wait, oh yeah, here, an invitation to our wedding this weekend. We won't be in the next few days, we need to prepare." I jumped handing Max and Jazz an invitation which had fancy writing on it with dates times all the usual.

"Awwr! Thanks Eve I will be there!" Jazz hugged me tight.

"Yea same, hey Jazz wanna be my date to it?" Max said suddenly then I saw Jazz's eyes light up.

"Yea, I'd love to!" She gasped hugging him.

"We better go, see you guys on Saturday." Heath smiled gratefully.

"Yea, see you then!" Jazz smiled.

"See ya!" Max exclaimed in a manly way.

We waved bye to them, then Heath called the car. Reminding me of what I had been told. I didn't say anything though I wanted to at least be on the same page with Heath. But I wasn't with Zack and I hated him.

Most of all I was glad this misunderstanding was solved and Heath and I were neutral again.

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