The plan and truth

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"Cal, where are you?" Heath asked frantically on the phone.

"No, we need you here!" He exclaimed.

I just stared down at all the paparazzi pushing for photos of us, and others shouted out name up the building in microphones. I turned back to Heath whose mouth was in a tight line, he looked no where near calm. His eyes blazed, so clearly Cal was going to get a telling off when he came to pick us up. If he came.

"Cal please come here now!!" Heath literally screeched.

Now Cal was pissing me off, when we needed him most he didn't want to help.

Heath shoved his phone in his pocket and huffed.

"So?" I asked him.

"Nope, we are going to have to find a different way." He sighed rubbing his face in stress.

"There is no way out Heath, unless we face those people." I explained pointing to them.

"No, I don't want to face them, they won't stop once they know they can get anything from us." He explained looking down at them with rage.

"You look like your about to cry." I told him softly.

"People think my life is simple Eve, well it's not, it's harder than other normal people have it. My money means nothing, I use it to get things I want more than anything, but I don't use it to be selfish." He sighed.

His words; "I use it to get things I want more than anything" echoed in my head, was he lying or did he really just give the money so her could have me, because he loved me?

"Eve?" Heaths voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Huh? Yea?" I asked not sure what he had been saying.

"I was saying, we might have to call your parents." He replied unsure of how I would react.

"Are you crazy!? Why mine?! Why can't we call your dad to come get us?!" I exclaimed throwing my hands around drastically.

"Eve, we can't call my dad, because the paparazzi will know it's him and that would make it worse. Where as your parents aren't famous so they won't question them." He exclaimed holding my face between his hands. I sighed and his hands dropped, he walked away to look over at the cameras. "Look Eve, I know it's my fault you and your parents hate each other, but this is the only way. I promise I will make up what you lost." He whispered so quietly I had to walk over and stand so close to him.

"Heath, it's not totally your fault, my parents could have refused the money, but they didn't. Don't bully yourself." I replied squeezing his hand.

"Eve I know this has happened so fast, and you barely know me, but....I promise you will be happy with me. I will help you achieve your dreams and get great education. Just trust me Eve." He told me, taking both my hands so I was facing him.

"I trust you Heath. I just need to know, why me? Out if everyone, and why did you need to pay my parents just to marry me?" I asked looking deeply into his blue eyes.

"Because you sparked something in me, as soon as I saw you, I changed, inside. I didn't think you would marry me Eve, I'm a snob and you deserve better." He sighed.

"Then if you believe that, why marry me?" I asked raising an eye brow.

"I wanted to give you what you love, something I knew no one else could give." He replied honestly. "What I'm curious about, is why you are asking all these questions, accept the one I know you know is most important." He added whispering in my ear, while pushing me back until my back hit the wall.

"I don't know what you mean?" I said weak from him being so close to me.

"You do, I know you do. Cal told you the answer to the most important question, which is why your not asking me it." He whispered in my ear, while trapping me between his arms.

"What? No!" I exclaimed fake laughing.

"I'm not stupid Eve, and I hate it when people talk behind my back." His voice was low and strained.

"I'm sorry, I was curious and you wouldn't tell me." I said frowning into his eyes.

"Oh well, I've fired him now, for what he told you and for abandoning us, my guards are trying to find him, to get his car." He huffed walking away from me leaving me cold again.

"I'm sorry Heath, but I needed to know and I was upset when I found out you just wanted to marry me for your money." I said sadly.

"That's a lie, I had been looking around for ages, I've seen you several times, but I didn't have the courage to face you, you changed me, usually I can control my feelings, I've never been in love, but you changed that." He said full of emotion.

My heart pinged making my knees wobble.

"We need to go, give me your phone." He said holding his hand out.

"Fine, but I'm not talking to them." I replied annoyed again.

"I won't make you." He smiled softly. Then took my phone out of my hand. "Give me a few minuets." Then he walked to the other end of the balcony leaving me to watch down on the shouting people and the flashing cameras.


"Okay, they are on their way, but if someone recognises them, they are leaving with or without us." He sighed taking my hand.

"I never wanted to see them again..." I whispered looking down at our linked hands.

"I'm sorry, but this is the only way." He replied kissing my head.

"I know.......I just wish there was another way." I told him softly.

A way which didn't bring back memories of hurt.


I felt sorry for Eve and I felt it was partly my fault, but once we got out of here I would make it up to her, because I had a plan.

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