c h a p t e r | t w e n t y | f o u r

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I am starting this in third person. Just because there's gonna be some jumping around. My usual time skip markings ("-----") is gonna mean a change in omnipotent view or, as usual, time skip...or both. You'll know which one when they come. Enjoy!


Dean had passed being on the verge of panic as soon as Bobby hopped in the van. Without Ava behind him and with Bobby getting shot, Dean was close to running the van off of a bridge. But he had to keep going. He'd have to save Ava. To do that, however, he'd have to get Bobby to the hospital first. Baby steps, Dean kept repeating in his head as he and Sam kept yelling for Bobby to stay with them. It was more for comfort. They both knew Bobby wasn't conscious, and wouldn't be for a while.

By the time they got to the hospital and were pushed from Bobby's side, everything caught up with Dean. With nowhere else to run for the time being, he sat with the piles of guilt weighing on his shoulders. Several times he'd called Crowley to see if he had anything to do with Ava disappearing.

"Stop overreacting, Dean. I didn't take your precious little girl, despite my past actions." Crowley says in a tone. "I'm still lost on why you would want to run in and crash their party. I would've just left 'em and ran for the hills." Tired of Crowley's delaying, Dean hangs up. He didn't know what to do at this point. Bobby was still in critical condition. Ava was who knows where with- Dean didn't even know who. He didn't even know if she was still alive.

Dean quickly shook his head, trying to rid his racing mind of that thought. No matter how he tried to stop thinking about all the what it's, they continued to circle his brain. If I would've just taken her home the minute she got here, this wouldn't be happening, Dean told himself. Of course, he didn't know if that was true, but everything was a possibility when you started what if-ing life's events. So Dean sat with the thoughts, listening to the chatter around him.


A while later Sam could be found sitting a little ways from Dean. He couldn't stop moving. Bobby wasn't doing too well. Some time ago, Sam became angry with himself, thinking what Dean was. If we had just taken Ava back, she wouldn't be gone. If Cas hadn't brought her to the Louisiana hotel. If they hadn't met Cas. If Sam hadn't gone with Dean. If Sam would've sent Dean away that night so many years ago that it felt like a lifetime. A lifetime since he'd lost Jess. A lifetime since he was days away from starting a life. Sam knew it wasn't Dean's fault that all of this was happening. He also knew that it was extremely common for the Winchester brothers to blame themselves for most of what's happened.

Sam continuously asked nurses and doctors how Bobby was doing. They all said they would find out, yet none of them ever returned. It felt like forever. They would let him and Dean know how Bobby was doing, right? Again, Sam sat down, head in his large hands. This day was becoming a mess. 24 hours of an earthly Hell. What's next, Sam asked himself. Is everything going to catch fire and demons rise to torture us for all eternity. He couldn't decide if this day or that idea was worse.


"Excuse me, sorry to interrupt," a man says behind the two brothers after the doctor tells them it's most likely Bobby will die. The Winchesters turn around. "Is one of you Robert Singer's next of kin?" Sam and Dean look at each other before Dean goes ahead with the man. They walk to the front doors and Dean stands with crossed arms waiting for the man to get to his point. "We know this is a stressful time."

"Yeah, okay, no offence, but you can skip the garnish." Dean says, waving the man on. "What, did his insurance lapse, or what?"

The man clears his throat before continuing. Dean was losing his patience with this man. "We're sorry to ask," he says slowly. "but, erm, did your uncle ever make his wishes known in regard to organ donation?" Dean's look turns into one of absolute surprise and disgust. Bobby was a hunter, he'd want his body to be burned, a hunter's tradition. Even though Dean was aware this man didn't know that, he still was upset that he asked. Besides, Bobby was not going to die here and now. "Organs are only viable for a very limited window-"

[RE-WRITING] The Righteous Man's Daughter {Dean Winchester's Daughter}Where stories live. Discover now