Chapter two

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 I loved to dance. I could put everything into movements with the routine. I danced a lot back home; it was the only thing that I haven’t had to remove from this life.  I was in the dance studio staring at my reflection in the mirror. I took a look at my face; my green eyes with my black lashes so long and dark.  I have nice skin, never got spots thank God for that or I will even be more of a freak than I already am. I have long shiny brown hair, which has a natural wave in. I’m skinny but have toned muscles because of dancing. I was lucky for having some curves, which most girls loved to have. I wished Aaron would notice me, I would be happy just being friends with him. 'Sage, you’d rather be his girlfriend than being friends with him. You deserve better.' A voice in my head said. I then saw Nathaniel standing next to me. I turned around to face him. "Sorry about earlier, I didn’t mean anything by it" Nathaniel said with an apologetic look on his face. ‘I know you are Nathan, I didn’t mean to snap at you. I hate not using magic, I miss it so much.’ I said using my mind. I could feel the tears running down my face; I wished I didn’t have run from who I am.  “Don’t cry Sage, it going to be alright” Nathan said while wiping my tears across my cheeks.  He gave me a hug and smiled at me, I smiled back. I love how Nathan had always made me feel that everything was going to be okay. The bells then rang snapping me out of my thoughts. “Lunch time, I’m starving. Let’s go” Nathan said grapping my hand, dragging me out of the dance studio.

Lunch time in the canteen......

I grabbed a black worn plastic tray and moved up to the counter, next to Nathan. "What would you like my dear?" the dinner lady said. “Can I have chicken burger and chips with salad and a slice of jam tart for desert please?” I asked as my tummy rumbled, I knew I shouldn't have skipped breakfast this morning. "Why can’t I have tart, she got some." a boy said next to me. I looked to my left and saw Michael Tut, slutty Britney twin brother. "She asked nicely and used her manners" the head dinner lady retorted. "Manners cost nothing, well in your case they cost you tarts!" I said while giggling as I paid for my lunch.  I turned and walked into a body and my tart fell off my tray. Damn, I really was looking forward to that. “Sorry, I didn’t see you...” I said looking down embarrassed.  “It’s alright, it’s my fault. Sorry about your tart” a male voice said. That voice; I knew too well.  I looked up the body I crashed into. It was Aaron Burns, oh my god I was going to faint.  He was so breath taking. “Let me buy you another one.” Aaron said. Come on Sage speak, I said to myself. “ is fine, don’t worry about it, it just a tart and you would have to queue up again.” I said, feeling my cheeks starting to burn. ”It is fine honest; we won’t have to queue again, watch this.” Aaron said with a cocky smirk on his face. I watched him go to the end of the counter. “Hi mam, I bumped into my friend and her tart fell off her tray and went on the floor, could I buy her another one please?” Aaron said with a sweet smile. “Yes, sure love. Here you go, free of charge.” said the lovely lady.  “Thank you” Aaron replied walking towards me, placing the tart on my tray. “One tart required. Enjoy your lunch.” Aaron said walking to the popular table. I couldn’t wait to tell the guys this. I rushed to the doors that lead outside and walked to the benches where they all sat. “Guys, guess what happened in the canteen....”

“WHAT!! He bought you another tart?” Abby giggled with excitement while bouncing up and down in her chair. “Yeah, he did. He’s such nice a guy. He got the looks and the heart. A perfect boyfriend” I said dreamily. “Enough about Aaron Burns or I am going to puke!” Ethan said while making gagging gestures. “I don’t know what your problem is with him, he is nice. You used to be friends with him.” Abby sighed. “Yeah, that’s before he got popular and stopped hanging out with me anymore.” Ethan said frustrated. Everyone stopped talking and stared at Ethan. . “Sorry Ethan, I didn’t know that you were friends with Aaron, I didn’t mean to make you upset.” I told Ethan softly, I knew that Ethan had a short fuse temper, just like me. “It’s okay Sage, you didn’t know. You don’t need to apologise, I shouldn’t let it get to me” Ethan grinned. “I have got Art and then science. How about you guys?” Abby said trying to change the subject and release the tense within the group. “I got maths and photography, what you got bro?” Nathan said. “I got mechanics and science, which teachers have you got Abs?” Ethan said with a grin. “Err...... Mr Walters, you?” Abby said looking at her timetable. “Same, looks like that we got another class together.” Ethan smirked.

 ‘I think someone has gotten a crush, they should get together. Want to do some match making with me?’ I said to Nathan through my mind. Nathan shook his head. “What do you got Sage?” Abby asked. “I have.... oh great. Maths again, I hate maths. And I got science with you and Ethan” I whined as I banged my head a few times on the table. “Don’t do that, you like a mad person” Abby giggled. “She is mad. We wouldn’t have her any other way” ‘I like the matching making idea. I thought you didn’t use magic said Nathan with a smile. We all laugh. ‘I’m a rebel in training’ I winked at Nathan.The class room bell then rang.

“Come one guys, we better go.” Abby said. I stood up, grapping my bag and heading inside. I went to my locker and grabbed my books. I turned and saw Aaron leaning next to his locker talking to Blake Cross (Abby’s twin brother who was in the football team). I took my time looking at his gorgeous profile before heading to class. His wavy, shiny brown hair, which falls above his eyes; his eyes, of the ocean with dark long lashes surrounding them always got to me. His light pink lips; I loved to kiss those lips, I wondered if they were soft. He was wearing a white t-shirt with a black leather jacket and pair of jeans with black high tops. ”Come on stalker, we got class” Nathan said grabbing my arm and tugging me away from the great view.

thanks for reading xx

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