Chapter Five

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I slammed the top of my alarm clock; grabbing my glasses off the table. I look at my alarm, 6.30 am, was that the time already?  I pushed back my warm covers and walked to my bathroom, dragging my feet along the floor. I splashed water on my face to try to wake myself up a little. After washing my face, I brushed my teeth.

 I walked back into my room to my dressing table; opening the draw which was full of my makeup and other junk. “Mum!!!” I shouted as I ran out from my room into my mum’s room. “What’s wrong?” my mum asked with a worried expression on her face. She was already dressed up carrying a cup of coffee. What was wrong with this woman, who was up and dressed at this time in morning? “I have run out of contacts and I look like a dork with my glasses.” I whine at her pointing to my glasses. “Is that the problem?” mum sighed trying to hold in a laugh. “It not funny mum, I’m having a teenage crisis here!!” I said to her, storming back into my room to get ready.

“SAGE!!! Nathaniel is here.” My mum shouted from downstairs. “Just coming down” I said as I took one last look in the mirror. I decided to have my hair in a bun with my fringe down with bangs. I was wearing a plain white long sleeve shirt with black blazer with blue skinny jeans and brown boots. “This is good as it going to get” I mumbled to myself. I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen.

“Here you go Sage. You don’t look that bad, your glasses suit your look.” said my mum, placing a plate with a couple slices of toast on the counter. I smiled taking a slice of toast. “Thanks mum.” I said to her. “I agree with your mum, you look nice” said Nathan standing in the doorway. I smiled at them both, if today went well I might wear my glass more often. I sigh; “We better go, I don’t want to be late.” I walked up to Nathan. “Yes boss.” Nathan said doing a salute gesture. I laughed and started walking to the front door. Nathan grabbed my arm and pulled me back. “Don’t worry about your glasses, I know they are going to be big help today” said Nathan smugly. I looked at him confused, going to help? How?  

He moved to the door; grabbed the door handle and walked out outside. He walked to my side of the car. He opened the door and bowed “My lady, your carriage awaits.” He said in a low tone. I laughed. “Don’t call me that. And don’t bow to me either people will think you’re weird.” I said to him as I climbed in the car.  He got up and started chuckling and walked to his side getting in. ‘True, I should say ‘You’re Highness’.  He said to me through his mind so no one could hear. He started the engine and drove away.

I stared out the window, watching the world go by like some film being played. Your highness, I hadn’t heard someone call me that in a long time.  I was different to everyone else, to my human friends even to Nathaniel who was on the same boat with me.

~ Flashback ~

I couldn’t breathe! I placed one hand on my chest, trying to gasp. My other hand was holding the side of the oak, shiny wardrobe, to help me stand keeping my balance. “I can’t breathe, please can loosen the corset a little.” I said to my maid. “Sorry your highness, I will loosen it for you. I don’t know what’s wrong with me today” said my maid as she loosened the string on the back on my corset. “It okay Agatha, you did seem out of sorts when you woke me up this morning.  Do you mind help to pick a dress for today? Oh, yes. I have something for yes.” I said as I lifted up my skirt and walked to the chest next to my bed which had white curtains. I opened it and grabbed brown sack. “Happy birthday Agatha.” I smiled at her as I handed her the bag. “Thank you, your highness. But I can’t accept this and how did you know it’s my birthday?” asked Agatha with a shocked look upon her face. “You can and you will. Now, first I want to finish getting dressed and we will discuss it after. Which dress?” I said as I pointed to the wardrobe. Agatha bowed to me and walked over looking at each of my gowns, she took one off the hanger. “This one, your highness” she said as she smiled.

I looked in the mirror to see what Agatha had come up. My dress was light pink which was made with satin fabric with a gold thread at the seams of the dress. All over the dress there were roses printed on the fabric and rosebuds on the end of sleeve, the bust area and the random one on the skirt of the dress. She had put my hair up with pins that have pearls on the end. “May I?” she bowed to me with my crown in her hands. “Yes, you may.” I bowed down so she could put my crown my on my head. ...........

 “Hey, you okay?”  I turned my head to Nathan. He had a concerned look on his face. “I’m fine, just thinking.” I said in a quiet voice. I let my barrier down and let the magic take over.  Me and my big mouth, I don’t understand why she puts up with me. Why do I have to be such an idiot? 

“You’re not an idiot. I put up with you because you’re my best friend and I can’t do this alone.”  I said through my mind. Nathan opened his mouth to speak but I stopped him. “Nathaniel, I don’t want to talk about this anymore and don’t call me ‘your highness’ EVER! You’re my friend first, your princess second. Promise me” I said to him in stern tone. “Okay Sage, I promise” he laughed.

I walked down the hall way to Mrs Cult’s class room, I knocked on the door. “Come in” Mrs Cults shouted from inside. I pushed the door, and walked to the desk. Mrs Cult was marking some papers on her desk, she looked up at me. “Hello Sage, how are you today? Nice glasses, you have glasses now? They suit you” Mrs Cult smiled. “Thanks, I’m good Mrs. Cult. I wear contacts most of the time, I ran out this morning. Who is my tutor?” I asked with a smile. Maybe I should wear my glasses more often.  She handed me my work book and a sheet of work. “Go and sit down, he will be here in a minute” she said to me. I walked to my seat at the back of my room. I sat down and looked at the sheet of paper. Oh, great, Fractions. I grabbed my head phones out of my bag and put them in my ears and played some music while I waited.

After a while, I saw someone standing in front of my desk. I looked up and..... Oh My God!!! Aaron Burns was my tutor!!

Thanks for reading xxx

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