Chapter Eleven

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Nathaniel POV

I follow Sage inside, i watch her wak up in her room. i stand by the door, my hand holding the book in my hands." Lock the door, I don't want anyone to know that I have the book" i close the door  and turns the key. she walks towards to me and sits to on the floor " May I?" she say to nathan, reaching out my arm.

i sit down in front of her, i crossed my legs. "Please to talk to me nathan, you haven't said anything since we arrived." she said with unshed tears. what does me to say. i cant tell that i knew about her father, i knew about the invasion. i cant her, it would break her.  "Sorry, I'm just thinking. It a lot to take in. What happen with you father.. Why you need to book all of sudden.. I just worried that something is going to happen" Said  to her in a low tone, i dont want to make her cry again. i pass the book to sage. she put the book on the floor. "Nathan, I'm sorry. I don't except you to be able to cope with all this. I need to book because I saw something to today. There is something strange about Aaron's eyes. The book might have the answers I'm looking" she said sofly. she place a hand on my arm. i can feel the warmth of hers hand through my top. i cant stop my lip from grinning. i look her face, to her pale lips to her eyes which her glasses. i could see the magic that shine that wanted to be released from her good heart.  She turns aways from me and picks up the book and place inbetween us. 

"Hercle et revelet Deus absconsa tua, et sapientia.

Ac venenatis quis, quid sit in oculo lunata rem?"(Reveal your secrets and wisdom and answer my question.What is the magic of the crescent within the eye and what's it purpose?) I whisper to the air. The books starts to glows and the pages to turn very fast until it stops suddenly on a page.

i get up and walk to her side and watch her as she looks for the answer. " Here, I have found the answer. " she said say excited looking up, then she frowns with confused. " Read it out load, you I know I can't read latin." i whispered in my ear. she jumps. she look at me " Not funny nathan. Ready?" i nod to continue " it says 'the crescent is a sign of magic, which means he or she has a magical soul. You don't have the sign until you reach the age of 18.

The crescent is usally found woithin on the the body. "Does it say anything about within the eye?"  she carrys on reading "Crescents within the eye is rare, but Allen Sulk and Cassie Thorn the former finders and members of the fallen had such eyes, they were differnt from the other fallen as they were soulmates. The next pair of souls mate will be stronger and more powerful. The prophery of soulmates of the crecent is found in the history of the Founders." Sages reads from the book.  " So aaron is a fallen and is the new soulmate?" i said out load. " He must be, I wonder what the prophery is about." she turn a few pages to the history of founders. " Here it is; 'the soulmates are bound to one another, making the magic more powerful. They say that the next soulmates are going to be more powerful as the girl soul is the very power as she has a heart of gold. " He must be, I wonder what the prophery is about." I turn the pages to the history of founders. " Here it is; 'the soulmates are bound to one another, making the magic more powerful. They say that the next soulmates are going to be more powerful as the girl soul is the very power as she has a heart of gold. She know as to others......" She stops and i see her face pale. "Other to what?"  i question her, I make her jump. "The princess of roses" she whisper to me. she slams the book shut and gets up from the floor. she look at me, i can see the tears forming in her eyes. why she is getting upset for? she might be the soulmate to aaron burns, the dream guy she always wanted, i neve stand a chance f winning her heart.  "Your the other soulmate. This is good right?" i said with  confusion  "Gold heart? I killed my own father."  she shouted back with tear running down my face, she places her head in my hands. oh, sage. try to see you through my eyes, your have gold heart. "Come here. You had to save yourself. I'm sure your heart is gold. I could told you that before you read that in the book." I take her into a hug. I say to her softly. This is my last chance  to show my love to her, even though she might feel the same. I picked up her chin and places my lips on her soft lips.

She pulls away and place a hand on my face. " nathan, i...." i push her hand down from my face and walk to the door and unlock it. "Wait." sage shouts at me. i turn to look back her. she took her down her hair, off her glasses. " Nathan 'she sighs' you will be in my life and in my heart but.... " she looks down. "but you dont love me, right?" i said.  i knew she wouldnt feel the same about me. "i did once. " she says with tone of regert. she loved me, when? "You loved me?" i  said with my eyes closed, with gulit and pain. i feel her hand on my face. " it was before everything happened, im not who used to be, i have changed. Nathan, you are lovely guy and have a brave soul and good heart." shes says with a small smile.  I cant hear anymore of this, i made a fool of my self. i walk down stairs and leave the house with my crushed heart. 

Sage POV

i watch him leave the room. i should go after him but i cant... i grab my phone and text Nathan.

ME to NATHAN: Im sorry nathan, are we going to okay? i hope you can still be my friend, i need you. x

NATHAN to ME: Dont be sorry, i shouldnt kissed you. Yeah im your friend, im not going to be in school for a while,  i want some time alone. i will text you soon. 

ME to NATHAN: i understand.   you still comign out on Friday to the diner? x

NATHAN to ME: lol. Of course. i will be there babydoll. ;) speak to you soon xx

I chuck my phone on the bed and pick up the book of the floor and place in my wardobe. i reach up to the chest on the top shelf.  i grab a pin of the side and prick my finger and place it on the lock. it unlocks. the inside has blue velet lining and in the center of the box lays my crown. i take it out and look at the diamonds and sapphires within the design. my crown was simple and small. "it been along time since i have seen it, one day you will wear it again or even you mother's crown as queen." said agatha who was standing in the door way. "Agatha, i didnt realise you was home. " i said as i place the crown back into the chest and put it back on the shelf. "i just came to tell you dinner was ready." she smiles at me, she walks out of the door. "Agatha.... thanks." i shout as she leaves the rom. she turn round looking confused."For what?" she said back. i figgle with my hands. "For being my maid all those year ago and also being my friend and giving me chance to know what like to have a mum." i said.

i forget that it wasnt only me that lost love ones, their home, they need too why have i been so selfish? "sage, you okay?" said agatha with worry. i look up and produce a fake smile. " im fine, just had a long day. lets have dinner. im straving" i said as i walk out of the door.

Thanks for reading xxx

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