Chapter Twenty

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Aaron P.O.V

I can hear the wind flowing through the trees as I walk down the  forest path, steping on broken twigs as I place my step. I walk to the big oak tree and sit down by  the roots.  i can't get rose out if head, her eyes , hair, her beautiful skin. Those soft rose lips, I could kiss her again just for the that feeling again.

"hello little brother" I look up and see jasper leaning against as tree shade. He walk into the light and comes over to me. He black hair, black as a raven wing. he eye dark brown, which feel angrier and hate. He has light stubble  on  his jaw line. He is wearing a black pair of jeans , black shirt and tie which is loosely  tied around his neck and black pair of trainers.

  " Hello jasper" I grumble. he crouches in front of me, he look at me with his usual smirk. " You look don't happy to see me. You better not messed up little brother,or father won't please. why he let you find her I will never know." he said as slaps my cheek. He grabs my hand and pull me up. "lead me to her. " he says as rubb his hand excitedly. I nodded. " Before I show her to you, I want to you know  you don't  dare her touch her, not even once. I don't want her harm by Your evil ways. " I said with stern tone. He laughs and smirks. "Wow, my brother got a little a back bone since the last three years." He joked. I grab his arm and grin it tightly. " I'm not same person you knew three years. I mean it Jasper, you are NOT allowed anywhere near her. " I snap at him, not backing down. I can't imange what i would do he would to do her if harm her. I let go and storm off down the path, leaving my brother shocked.

I get in the car and wait for my brother to catch up.  I take out my phone out of my pocket  and look at a picture of me and rose, the picture we took when we was in forest after she told who was, I sigh and place it on the side. "i hope the rumors are true." jasper says as he climbs in the car. " What rumours" I said feeiling nervous. "They say the princess is very beautiful and very power. I hope they are right about the frist part " said Jasper smiled with a evil tinkle in is eye.

My phone rings on the side. I pick it up and answer the call.

"Hello?" I said into  the phone.

" Hello Aaron, it rose. I was checking about tonight." She said  so quickly, making  me replay what she said to me. "Of course.  I can't wait to see how beautiful you look tonight. I will pick you up at 7.15. " I said feeling jasper stare. she chuckles " Thank you, see you later. Bye" she said , I can hear smile through the phone.  I close my phone and look at jasper. " That was Rose, the princess. I'm taking her to a ball tonight. " I said. "We can get her after the ball, I will ill get planning together." said Jasper smirking. I'm start the car, feeling the guilt building up in my chest.

I turn the keys and push the door away, steeping into my apartment. I walk down the hall way, placing my keys on the hallway table, I walk into the living room. It has a black sofa and a glass table and a tv. The room is a contrast of greys, white and blacks.

" This is my place, there food in the fridge in the kitchen, bathroom is down the hallway we just walk through and my room is here. "i said to jasper, pointing to objects within the apartment. He jumps on the sofa, lieing across, resting his arms above his head. "I'm going be in my room" I grumbled at my brother.

I step into my room and lock the door, my room is navy blue with black and white. I have a twin bed in the centre with a desk in the corner with a lamp, which has my laptop, next the to desk is a bookshelf with tons of books. I walk to my desk and pick up my artpad. I flip few the pictures looking I drawn over the last three years. Most of them are from that awful day, roses from her dress, her green eyes, her lips.

I turn the page until I found the full picture of her in a gown with roses, holding a book in her arms, her long hair down by her back. The picture has no colour, just a pencil sketch. I take my water colour paints and add colours to the picture to finish to picece. I sit for hours add every detail.

I sigh, why did I go through with this, she nevers going to forgive. I put the brush in the water, leave the painting to dry. I get up and walk to the mirror on the wall, I undo my navy shirt, and place my hand on the tattoo, tracing the outline along to Doves and the Olive tree branch and the Roses. Her crest is means Love, hope and peace. it sums up who she is.

"knock, knock"

"Brother your phone is ringing " jasper shouted through the door. I quickly button up my shirt and unlock the door. I step into the hall way. "Here." jasper says as he passes my phone, he walks into back the living room. I follow his to find the table has sheets of paper with plans and notes and along with his dagger.  I turn round and head to my room. I look at my phone, 3 miss calls, from Rose. I look the time, 5pm we have 2 and half hours before the ball.

I select her name and ring her. 

"Hello rose, it's Aaron. Are you okay?" I said quietly so jasper does not hear.

"in fine, I'm bored. I wanted someone to talk to. Sorry if I'm bothering you. " She quiclky said.

I laugh.I fall onto my bed, it creaks as it takes my weight.

"Yes, Rose, you bothering me." I joke back. "I'm only joking" I quickly said before she can answer. She giggles.

"Thanks. I'm looking forward tonight. what your wearing?" she said with a hint of joy. "I'm wearing a black, navy and sliver armour. "i said feeling a bit anxious, I haven't worn my armour in long time. "Going as 'The Dark Prince' then." She said .

" Actually the correct term is 'The Young  Dark Prince, Knight of Lithium'. " I said. I close my eyes, waiting for her response, nothing for a coupele of seconds. She breaks the unbearable silence, with a sigh.

"Wow, that's a good choice but a bit.. " She said trying to find words to explain.

"Dark?" I said with no emotion, placing a arm across my eyes.

"Yes but also it sounds sad, I hear it your voice. It seems to me that the Prince is lonely, or different to his family. " She said it pity.  I'm left speechless, she feels this from that. I smile.

" Yes, you got that right." I said with relief. I hear the door open and I open my eyes and see jasper in his armour, he has his arms crossed. "I must go, go to get ready. See you soon" Rose said with excitement. I turn off the phone before has a chance to see. 

"What do you want?" I snapped at him. He scoffs and places a bag on the floor. "Your armour, it been altered. It the same just bigger. oh and brother don't talk to like a peasant. I wi make you regret it." he said as he storms out of the room. I roll my eyes and Grab the bag. The time has come. I'm no longer the weaker young Prince. I need to take action into my own hands to make sure she not hurt at all cost....

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