"Skip how the hell did you get stuck in the cot?"

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"Beautiful, wake up" Luke told me while leaving sweet kisses along my jaw line

"Okay... I'm awake now" I told Luke before carefully getting out of bed and placing on an old shirt and a pair of leggings

I walked downstairs and grabbed an apple of the table. The others had gone out partying last night while Luke and I had an 'Us' night. The boys came back around 5:30 this morning and were completely hammered so I'm guessing there not going to be feeling very well today. I grabbed 4 cups, a jug of water and a packet of panadol before heading upstairs and into the boys rooms.

They were all dead to the world so I placed a cup of water and two panadol on there bedside tables and then left. I took the jug and panadol back downstairs and then we back upstairs and into Daniella's room. Today's the day Luke and I are going to began painting.

"Babe, please don't get anything on my clothing" I begged Luke

"Okay, beautiful" Luke replied before undoing the paint lid and dipping the two paint brushes in. We double checked that the newspaper was down on the floor and tried not to get anything on the floorboards. We began painting the far wall and slowly made our way around doing a first coat on all the walls. We then painted all the trims black while waiting for the base coat to dry on the walls. We finished the trims and did a second coat on the walls and trims. We'd finished for a while so we went downstairs and made some lunch. I ended up having some left over KFC chicken cut up and placed into a salad while, Luke had two ham and cheese toasted sandwiches. We finished lunch and walked back upstairs to do another layer of paint. We'd finished painting Daniella's room and seen that it was 5:55PM and the others weren't awake. I went inside all the boys rooms and told them that there dinner would be ready in 20 minutes or so. They all agreed and fell straight back to sleep.

I called Pizza Hut and ordered three large meat lovers pizzas and two garlic breads. They said it should be at our place in about 20 minute so I went inside an sat of the couch watching 'Spongebob square pants' while I waited

<< Ding dong >>

I got the $20 off the table and answered the door to get my much loved pizza. I payed the teenage boy and took the pizzas back Into the kitchen. I placed two pieces of garlic bread and three slices of pizza on a plate each for everyone. I took Beau, Jai, skips and James pizza up to them with a glass of coke and another two panadol. They all thanked me and stayed in bed eating there pizza. Fair to say they looked crappy.

I went downstairs and finished my dinner before going upstairs to do the final layer of painting on Daniella's room. Once I'd finished and was washing the paintbrushes in Danis bathroom, I went back into the room but ended up being picked up and carried bridal style into Luke and i's room. He gently placed me on the bed and sung to me as I fell asleep ...


"Wake up Lucas" I said as I began giving Luke sweet pecks on the lips

"C'mon babe, it's 10:30 and we have to go" I told him as I dragged him out of bed and walked into Danis room to say goodbye to the boys

"Skip, how the hell did you get stuck in the cot?" I asked in hysterics as I got my phone out and took pictures of skip who was stuck in between the bars of Danis cot

"Get out Bella. You're not aloud to see any of this" beau said and gently shoved me out of Danis room

"I was just coming it say goodbye" I said as beau bought me down stairs

"We will text you when to come home" beau told me as he brought me to see Luke waiting for me

"C'mon babe, we gotta go now" Luke said and intwined our fingers

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