Party's. Pt 2

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"I'll meet you inside" I said to the girls and jogged inside, carrying my heels

"SUPRISE" i heard everyone shout and the lights turned on

"Happy birthday princess" Connor said and came over, giving me a hug

"Did you do all this for me?" I asked and admired the room

"Yep, all for my princess" he replied and gave me a kiss, causing everyone to awe

Once Connor and I pulled apart, the music began playing with James standing near the DJ deck and everyone started dancing to the familiar song of 'Swing'

"Baby, I wanna see your hips swing" Connor whispered

"Not now Connor, were at a party" I teased and watched his face change

"But maybe later" I whispered back and his face washed over with excitement

"Hey baby girl, how are you?" I heard a familiar voice say from behind me

"Mum!" I shouted and gave Gina a hug

"How has everything been back home?" I asked

"Everyone has been good, well except Luke" she sighed

"I'm sorry Gina but I hope you understand why I did what I did" I said

"I fully understand, anyway it's his loss" she replied and looked at Connor

"Oh sorry, Gina this is my boyfriend Connor" I said

"I know who he is, I've been talking to him for a while now and he's a keeper" she said and Connor went bright red

"Thanks mum" I thanked her and a photographer came up, snapping a few pictures of Connor, mum and I

"I've missed you, I mean it's really hard to go from seeing someone everyday to seeing them once every few months" Gina said, tears welling in her eyes

"How about we enjoy tonight and talk tomorrow?" I suggested

"There's a few other people here who want to see you, I'll talk with you tomorrow" Gina said and walked away

"Bub, how you going" I heard someone shout

"Maz! What are you doing here?" I asked and gave him a massive hug

"I couldn't miss my little girls birthday, now could I?" He replied

"I'm not sure, could you?" I replied

"No, the answer is no! Now, I'm going to get myself a drink and try to hook up with the girl over there" he said and pointed to Rebecca

"Maz, she's fourteen!" I exclaimed

"You only live once my dear" he shrugged and grabbed a drink, then walked over to Rebecca

"Want a drink?" Connor asked

"Yes, let's go" I said and went over to the drink table

"Jack!" I shouted once I grabbed the vodka cruiser

"Hey birthday bitch" he slurred and I knew he was drunk

"How's harry styles?" I winked

"He's going great bby" he replied before Connor and I walked away

Eight hours and lots of drinks later, we were all smashed. Jai and Nessa were in the corner hooking up, Connor and I were slow dancing to All Of Me by John Legend considering we were the only half sober people in the house, Kylie was upstairs and had been for a while and Luke is downstairs, James and his new girlfriend Kylie were playing music and dancing along, skip and beau had hooked up with random girls and Mariam and Ronnie were drinking out the back while admiring the sky.

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