Party's. Pt 1

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It's about 5:30PM and currently I'm sitting in my room watching a movie while everyone's at the park, apart form Luke who's in his room

"Bella, can we talk?" Luke asked as he entered my room

"Sure, come and take a seat" I nervously replied

"I just wanna explain everything...." He sighed and I nodded

"I really am sorry. For cheating and for kissing you the other day, it wasn't fair to you or Connor but I've come to tell you something. I've gotta girlfriend and I want you too meet her, her names Kylie and she's super amazing but there's something about her that's not right, I need your opinion" he explained

"That's great luke! And I'd love to meet her" I told Luke

"Well we were thinking you, Connor and dani would maybe come out to dinner with us tonight?" Luke asked

"Sure, I'll call Connor and get them to come home" I said and Luke let the room to get ready

I quickly dialed Connor and he left straight away, everyone else coming as well. While I waited for Connor to arrive home I had a quick shower and got ready. Everyone eventually arrived home and they quickly got ready before going downstairs to say goodbye to everyone while I finished getting ready


Dani sat on my back as we waited at the bottom of the stairs for Bella to come down. We'd arranged to meet Kylie at the dining place were going too. Luke made his way down the stairs and stood beside me making small talk

"Hey, I'm thinking of having a surprise party for Bella's birthday next week" I whispered to Luke

"Sounds good, talk about it tomorrow" he replied

"Bella, you ready?" I shouted

"I'm coming" she replied and I heard our bedroom door slam shut

As I seen Bella walk down the stairs I started gawking at what she was wearing but after a second I turned my head to the side and realized I wasn't the only person gawking, Luke was too. As I tried to ignore the fact Luke was staring at my fiancé, I turned to Bella and smiled, giving her a kiss.


"So, when's Kylie arriving?" I asked as we waited

"She's walking in now" Luke said and I followed his gaze to the door

In through the door walked a completely fake girl with fake blonde hair and breast implants, she looked like something out of a Barbie catalogue for adult men. She was also wearing a bra thing and booty shorts which didn't make her look very attractive..

"Lukey baby!" Her screechy voice echoed

"Kylie, this is Connor and Bella" Luke introduced us

"And this is their daughter, dani" Luke mumbled

"I'm happy to meet you guys! It's really fancy here, isn't it?" She asked, sounding completely ratchet

"It's not that fancy really, they just have a certain dress code" Bella said and I smirked, trying to hold back my laughter

"Oh, well that's stupid" she replied


We ordered our meals, Luke got a chicken pasta and Kylie got a small salad while Connor got a Chicken Parma and I got a lasagne that I'm sharing with dani. While we waited for our orders we talked about everything and how's everyone doing but it was really awkward considering Kylie kept trying to attack Luke's face or kiss him, I'm not entirely sure which one but it was scary.

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