Chapter 8: "supply's" and the truth

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( it's Christmas Eve btw)

After realizing that I missed my period, I quickly ran inside the house and up the stairs to my bedroom to get my purse and phone so I could go buy some tests.

After I was ready to go, I ran downstairs and was about to leave when I heard

"bell, is that you? Are you awake?" I heard beau shout from the kitchen

"Yeah beau it's me and I have .. To.. Get some.. Supply's from town" I said trying to be convincing

"I'll come because I was about to go and get some food from town so.. Is that okay?" Beau asked

"Ugh I don't feel well so I'm gonna get some more rest and beau you can get the food right?" I said while giving him that look and trying to make up reasons on why i didn't want to go shopping.

I decided that I needed to know if I was pregnant or not so I texted beau once he'd left saying

"Hey.. Can you buy me some pregnancy sticks but not tell Luke?xx" And beau was like a big brother so I knew I could trust him with anything.

After beau got back he bought the pregnancy sticks up to me and I went I to the on suite bathroom to take the tests. After I'd taken the tests, I had to wait 5 minutes to find out the results.

"Are you nervous?" Beau asked

"Extremely" I blurted out

"You've got nothing to worry about bell, wanna know why?"

"Why beau?" I asked

"Because if you are pregnant this baby will have the best parents and family and it's time to check the tests" beau said nervously as I walked back into the bathroom

"Okay Bella, two lines means your are and one line means your not" beau said while reading the box and as I looked at the tests i had tears running down my face

"Beau... I'm pregnant" I said shakily

"Well, that's great Bella. Your gonna be a mum" beau said while hugging me

"I'm gonna be a mum" I said in disbelief of what's happening

After we had cleaned everything up and I looked like I hadn't been crying, we walked downstairs to see the boys in the pool. Beau decided to join but I decided to stay out and watch the boys while they swam.

At about 3:30 I decided to go inside and do some cooking. I decided to make Christmas cookies, a gingerbread house, some chicken drumsticks and salad. After I finished cooking it was about 6:35 so I started setting the table and serving food. The boys were still in the pool and it was still hot outside.

"BOYS, DINNERS READY" I shouted from the back door step

And with that I had 5 hungry boys come barracking into the kitchen and sitting at the table waiting for dinner. After we all sat down and began to eat, we started talking about what we want to do for Christmas Eve, we ended up decinding that beau decided was going to buy some alcohol and we would play games like 'truth or dare' and 'never have I ever'.

While beau went to buy the alcohol and I cleaned up the dishes, the boys went to play some FIFA. While cleaning up I was thinking about that baby and I had so many questions running through my head about him/her.

After beau was back we all went into the loungeroom and we all grabbed a drink untill beau talked to me

"Bella, come help me get some snacks and cups" while giving me the eye, so I placed my drink down and went to help beau in the kitchen.

"Bell, you can't drink!" Beau said

"Oh your right, I'll just drink water" I said while grabbing a bottle of water

"Bella, aren't you drinking?" James asked

"Nah, I umm don't want a hangover on Christmas morning" I said and they all believed me

"Okay truth or dare first" skip said excidely while we went upstairs and onto the balcony thing that we had on the second level of our house

Once we were up there, we all sat in a circle and skips started the game off. After a while, we'd done some pretty funny things and it was James turn

"Bella, truth or dare?" He asked while smirking

"Umm truth" I said while taking a mouthful of water

"Who'd you loose your V-card too?" He asked while slurring his words and that's when I froze, I didn't know weather to tell the truth or to lie, I looked up at beau and he gave me a looks as if too say I could tell them but I was scared of Luke's reaction.

"Well, c'mon hurry up" jai said desperately

"Beau...." I whispered under my voice and looked at the ground while everyone went wide eyes and silent

"WHAT THE HELL BEAU" Luke scream while threatening to punch beau

"I'm sorry okay but it was a while ago" beau said while trying not to be hit


I've learnt that Luke and anger isn't a good match but if he gets angry while he's drunk, there's no stopping him. He's like a raging bull.

After he finished shouting at me he went inside and slammed our bedroom door shut.


I ran inside and into the spare room and slammed it shut while I had all these thoughts going through my head

"How could he? I mean I know it was a while ago but he knew how much I liked her! I guess I have nothing to be angry about really but I'm just sad I guess..." I thought

After a while, I fell asleep and when I woke up, it was the middle of the night and I couldn't hear any noise so I went out into the corridor and into beaus room to see him sitting by the window in a deep thought

"Beau, I'm so incredibly sor-" I said but I was cut off by beau

"Luke, it's fine. We'll talk about it in a few days but right now I'm not the one you need to apologies too" and I knew exactly what he meant so I gave him a quick hug and left his room to go into my room with Bella.

I walked into the room and seen Bella sleeping so I decided to say everything to her while she slept

"Bella, I love you and words don't explain how sorry I am. I hope you know that I didn't mean to react like that and it was because of the alcohol. The reason that I acted like that was because I was just upset that beau got with you and he knew how much I liked you, I'm so incredibly sorry and I hope one day this will be one of the many story's we remember as we get older. I love you Isabella Grace"


I was laying in bed thinking about the baby and Luke when suddenly the door opened and I closed my eyes, not wanting to talk to anyone. I felt a pair of hands hold mine and I knew it was Luke straight away and be began to speak

"Bella, I love you and words don't explain how sorry I am. I hope you know that I didn't mean to react like that and it was because of the alcohol. The reason that I acted like that was because I was just upset that beau got with you and he knew how much I liked you, I'm so incredibly sorry and I hope one day this will be one of the many story's we remember as we get older. I love you Isabella Grace"

I opened my eyes and decided this was the perfect moment to tell Luke about the baby.

"I love you too Luke and I forgive you"

"Thank you so much beautiful" he said while if got out of bed and hugged but not a normal one. This one lasted a whole and it was more of a cuddle type thing.

"Babe, I umm have to tell you something and I don't knew how your gonna take it.." I said nervously as we pulled away

"You can tell me anything, it's okay bell"

"I'm pregnant"

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