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"LUKE, GET OFF ME!!" I squealed as Luke sat on top of me tickling me to death

"Fine" Luke wined while climbing off

"Your the most annoying best friend anyone could ever have, you know that right?" I stated, laughing at the idiot I call my best friend

"I know but you a still love me" Luke stated, acting like he knows he's right

I jumped off my bed and grabbed my Apple Mac from my desk, bringing it back to bed with me

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, lukey-pukey!" I said mocking him with the biggest smile on my face, suddenly he just jumped off my bed and ran back over to me and started tickling me again

"LUKEEEEEE STOP PLEASE,.. PLEASE LUKE STOPP" I shrieked while Luke continued to tickle me

"Mmmm let me think about that... NOPE!"


"Not until you say 'Luke brooks is the sexiest person to ever walk the earth and I love him so much and I'll be his kitchen bitch for infinity" Luke said while still tickling me

"hahaha your dreaming brooks"

"suit yourself" Luke said
"Haha okay okay" I said in between laughs

"" I reluctantly said and Luke suddenly got off me and stop tickling me.

"Okay Mr. Brooks, so Pitch Perfect, Step Brother or Never Say Never??. But if you choose Never Say Never, you'll have to run home and get my DVD because I left it there the other night?" I asked while trying to regain my breath and I walking back to my bed while he ran home to get the DVD.

While he was gone I was sitting in my window bed looking up at the stars while thinking about everything happening at the moment. But everything keeps resorting back to my main problem. I'm in love with my best friend. Yes, I know its stupid and I know he'll never feel the same way about me but every time I look at him, I feel pure happiness inside and every time he says goodbye, I feel like I'm missing something. But then I remember how stupid I am to think that my best friend from when we were 4, would actually like me. He has millions of girls that he could choose from and I'm just another ordinary girl. He'll never like me, I mean he's Luke Brooks. Luke brooks, my best friend and more......


Due to our houses being right next to each other, I ran up to my room to get Never Say Never and while I was getting it, I glanced out my window to see her, the girl I've liked for as long as I can remember, Isabella Grace, sitting on her window bed in a deep thought and she didn't notice I was staring at her.

But man, did she look beautiful, she was just sitting there staring out her window, there was about 5 meters between our houses, but she was staring at the sky and the moon reflected perfectly on her eyes and made her look evenmore flawless ... My mind kept telling me to snap out of it because she's your best friend and she'd never like someone like you. She could do so much better, I mean she's Isabella Grace.. And I'm just plain old ugly Luke Brooks.....

I was ripped out of my thoughts when I felt my iPhone vibrate in my pants and I looked done to see I had a new message from 'Bella-boo ;P' that said 'whatcha thinking about? You still coming back over? xx " Which I didn't reply to because I just walked out of my front door and back to Bella's house. Once I got back to her house, I went straight up to her room and got into her bed and waited for her while she was in the bathroom.


I was awoken from my thoughts when my phone went off with a message from 'Caitlin' saying "Hey, are you with Luke? Bc I'm not coming home till tomorrow and I don't want you too be alone.. :) xx"

"yes Caity, Luke's here and he's staying the night xx" and I pressed send and glanced out my window to see Luke, staring out the window with an unreadable expression on his face, so I decided to text him, I went through my contacts till I found 'Lukey-pukey :P"

so I clicked on his contact and sent him a message saying "whatcha thinking about? You still coming back over? xx". As I pressed send, I seen his expression change from a blank-unreadable expression to a surprised one and with that he ran out of his bedroom and out the front door, till suddenly he was walking back into my room and was cuddling up to me under the covers of my bed.

Throughout Never Say Never, I was cuddled up to Luke's chest and I would look up at him and think about how perfect he is. I mean he's Luke freaking brooks, of course he's perfect but he's also so nice and caring. I just want to be able to call him mine but I'll never be able to...


While watching the movies I couldn't help but look down at her and think about her. I mean she's perfection and everything about her is perfection. I mean she's amazing and she's so perfect, I just can't find words to describe how perfect she is. She's my life and one day I hope to call her mine or even Mrs.brooks. Yeah. I like the sound of that, Mrs
Isabella brooks and I can just imagine her walking up the isle with a beautiful white wedding dress and possibly my mum walking her up the isle.

Suddenly I was snapped out of my thoughts when Bella asked me about what I was thinking about and I wanted to say 'I'm thinking about our wedding day' but you know, that's a bit creepy.

"someone special" I replied with a half smile and her space dropped as those words came out of my mouth

"Bell, what's wrong?"

"No-nothing, I'm fine okay." And I decided to just leave it for the moment

"so who's this 'special someone'?" Bella asked.


"Whatcha thinking bout?" I asked as I could see Luke, snapping him out of his deep thoughts. He looked like he was at a loss for words until he replied

"someone special" and that's when my heart sank.

I mean, I always knew I was out of his limit but, hearing him say those words made it seem more real. I suddenly felt a wave of jealousy take over

"who's this 'special someone?" I questioned

And Luke looked like he was panicking until he quickly said

"she's an amazing, smart and talented girl who's should remain a mystery for the time being..."

And my heart broke into more pieces when he said that

"were like best friends right?" Asked Luke

"yeah, through think and thin. Why?"

"Well.. I need some girl advice.. Can you help?"

"Yeah, sure, anything?" But I didn't expect what happened next..

Best friends? | Luke Brooks / Connor FrantaWhere stories live. Discover now