Night before the wedding

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So tomorrow's the big day, I'm finally getting married to Connor.
"Mummy!" I heard to girls scream and suddenly a movement in the bed
"Daddy give this to you" dani said, handing me a letter with 'To my fiancé' on the front

Dear my beautiful fiancé,

This is it. Tomorrow's finally the big day, it's finally happening after all this time.When you receive this either (a) you've just been woken up by the girls or (b) you won't receive this because you slept in and dani got hungry.. Meaning she probably ate this letter. Anyway, I've taken Jake with me and the other guys are taking us to do 'manly' things. They've promised they won't break me or anything but I'm not sure I trust them.
And don't worry, the girls will be over with a surprise at about 1:00pm.
Breakfast is on the table (again, it should be but the kids may've gotten hungry) and there's some of that ice cream you love in the freezer. I love you so, so much princess.

Love from the idiot you call your fiancé xo

I smiled at the letter and stuck it on my bedside table beside a photo frame of Connor and I at Disneyland. I rolled back to face the girls and seen their grins beaming, making me think something was going on. Ignoring them, I felt a sudden pain in my stomach

"Mum, are you going into labour?" Kayla panicked

"Nah, just the boys kicking! Feel this" I said, grabbing her hand and placing where a little foot was kicking over and over

"Me too mummy" dani said and placed her hand onto my belly

Dani gasped, retracting her hand from my belly and immediately we turned to her, worried about what may've happened.

"No! Stop hurting mummy! No, no no" dani said, angrily pointing her finger at my belly

"It's okay baby, it doesn't hurt" I laughed

"Mum, want me to grab your breakfast and bring it up?" Kayla laughed and I gratefully accepted, knowing how hard it's getting to walk and get out of bed.

Minutes later, Kayla came back up holding a tray which she carefully placed on my lap. I looked down to see fruit salad, a small bowl of yoghurt with berries on top, a blueberry muffin and a cup of green tea. I also noticed an odd blue box which I instantly knew it was a tiffany.

I opened the box and gasped, admiring the silver ring that sat there. I picked up the ring and noticed on the inside of the band was written 'c.f + I.e - 12/12/14'. Connor had gone all out and bought me a ring with our wedding date engraved on the inside. I instantly slid it onto my necklace which also held my wedding ring on it due to the fact I hate sleeping with my wedding ring on, so I've got it on a necklace instead. I talked with the girls while I ate breakfast and Kayla informed me about our schedule we had today and how hectic it'll be.

- 1:00PM | 11.05.14 -

The girls arrived and showered me in hugs and gifts. As a joke we'd all gotten these jumpers with our label on the back. So I had '12.05.14' in the middle and 'bride to be' on the bottom. While the other girls had 'maid of honor" across the bottom or in Danis case, had "flower girl". We all dressed in our jumpers and yoga pants, before getting into Mariam's car and driving down to the salon.

Four hours later we all had beautiful false nails, new haircuts or hair colour's and a relaxing massage. Next stop we were going back home to get ready for tonight. The boys are over at the Janoskians house for the night whereas the bridal party has taken over my house. Due to the fact I'm due to give birth in a week, we decided that we would have a movie marathon and just have an early night. I over heard the girls saying something about the boys going paint balling and go karting then out somewhere tonight. I'm sorta worried about what they may do to Connor but to an extent, I trust them.

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