Chapter 9; happiness and Christmas

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I looked up nervously and seen Luke run outside and then I heard the door slam shut.

I fell to the ground and began crying like I'd never cried before. Beau rushed over to me and picked me up while and lead me over to the bed. After an hour or so I'd eventually cried myself to sleep....


"I'm pregnant" Bella said while looking at her feet

I quickly ran outside our bedroom, grabbed my keys and wallet. I got into our car and just drove with a million thoughts running through my head like 'What if I'm not a good dad' or 'what of I'm like my dad' and then I remembered that I'd just ran off on Bella right after she told me the big news.

I decided that I'd organize a surprise as apart of her Christmas present and I knew just the thing so I drove to the local mall and began shopping. While I was shopping I past 'baby's R us' and had a look in the window and seen all these happy couples who were either with their kids or pregnant which made me think about the baby and things like his/her name, personality and who it'd look like, which made me realize I was really happy that my amazing girlfriend is pregnant with my baby and I began to get more and more excited as I drove home.

Once I'd gotten home, it was about 3:30AM so I decided to go up to our room and see if Bella was still awake and upset.

When I arrived upstairs and walked into our room, I seen Bella sitting in the window couch looking up at the sky with tears running down her face

"Luke?" She asked as she glanced over to the door

"Yeah babe, it's me. Can we talk?" I responded nervously

"Sure" was all she said while she wiped away her tears

"Don't cry beautiful, I'm sorry that I freaked out and ran away. It's just I don't want to be like my dad and I'm scared that I will be, but I've thought about it and began to realize that I'm beyond happy and excited about our little bundle of joy that's going to be here in about 9 months, please forgive me bell?"

"Of course I forgive you and babe, you'll never be like your father, ever!" Bella said while cuddling up to me and pulling the blanket over us. We both sat on the window couch cuddling and looking up at the moon and stars while we both fell asleep in each others arms...


"WAKE UP, WAKE UP, WAKE UP!!" I heard the boys screaming

"C'mon, wake up, it's Christmas and I want my presents" skip said like a four year old

"Okay okay, I'm coming" I said while slowly waking up fully

"Okay, meet us down stairs in 5" the boys said as they raced out the door and down the stairs

"Good morning and merry Christmas beautiful" Luke said and gave me a kiss on the lips

"Good morning and merry Christmas to you too babe" I said

"C'mon, let's go open some presents and have some breakfast" Luke said while we got outta bed

Me and Luke's hands locked together while we walked downstairs and seen pancakes, waffles, ice-cream, fruit and smoothies all set out along the table with three very enthusiastic and proud faces standing behind the table.

"OMG did you guys do this?" I asked in disbelief

"We sure did, because you do it every other day and we wanted to make your life easier" skip said with a giant smile on his face

"Awh you guys" I said while pulling the boys into a group hug

While we ate the amazing breakfast, the boys talked about everything they wanted for Christmas and what they thought each present was.

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